Ahhh, thank you Raymond!
I forgot about that package!
On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>> "Mike" == Mike Valenzuela <mickle.mouse at gmail.com> writes:
> Mike> So one can arrive at the following in one of two ways:
> Mike> alt1: sum( (k+1-i)*b^(i), i, 1, k), simpsum;
> Mike> alt2: radcan( sum(sum(b^k,k,1,i),i,1,k) ),simpsum;
> [snip]
> Mike> Logically, these two seem the same to me. Numerically these
> Mike> two appear the same over what I've tested. However, I cannot
> Mike> find a way to make Maxima simplify alt1 into the closed form
> Mike> expression generated by alt2.
> Mike> Thus, I am asking something along the lines of "How do I
> Mike> make Maxima simplify alt1 into alt2's non-summation form?"
> I find that simpsum is not very powerful. If you load("simplify_sum")
> and do simplify_sum(alt1) and simplify_sum(<sum in alt2>), you can see
> that they are the equivalent.
> Ray
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