(Bugfix) ratinterpol does not work with polynomial expressions
Subject: (Bugfix) ratinterpol does not work with polynomial expressions
From: andre maute
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 06:33:20 +0100
I have added a new interpol.mac, which I believe fixes this issue.
The new version uses setdifference, perhaps there is a better solution.
------ output with new interpol.mac ------
[user at localhost ~]$ maxima -b ratinterpol-20132712.mac
Maxima 5.31.3 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
using Lisp SBCL 1.1.8-2.fc19
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
(%i1) batch("ratinterpol-20132712.mac")
read and interpret file: /home/user/ratinterpol-20132712.mac
(%i2) display2d:false
(%o2) false
(%i3) load("interpol")
(%o3) "/home/user/opt/maxima/share/maxima/5.31.3/share/numeric/interpol.mac"
(%i5) ratinterpol(h,1)
(%i6) ratinterpol(h,2)
(%o6) (-x^2-(2*b+11)*x/2)/(x+5)
(%o7) [[1,-1/12],[2,-1/7],[3,-3/16],[4,-2/9],[5,-1/4],[6,-3/11]]
(%i8) ratinterpol(h,1)
(%o8) -x/(2*(x+5))
(%o8) "/home/user/ratinterpol-20132712.mac"
------ output with new interpol.mac ------
On 12/28/2013 03:29 AM, andre maute wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have the following unexpected behavior with ratinterpol.
> I would have had expected the first two ratinterpol commands
> returning something containing the unknown b.
> Andre
> ------ ratinterpol-20131227.mac ------
> display2d : false;
> load("interpol");
> h :
> [
> [1,-(2*b+13)*1/12],
> [2,-(2*b+15)*1/7],
> [3,-(2*b+17)*3/16],
> [4,-(2*b+19)*2/9],
> [5,-(2*b+21)*1/4],
> [6,-(2*b+23)*3/11]
> ];
> ratinterpol(h,1);
> ratinterpol(h,2);
> h :
> [
> [1,-1/12],
> [2,-1/7],
> [3,-3/16],
> [4,-2/9],
> [5,-1/4],
> [6,-3/11]
> ];
> ratinterpol(h,1);
> ------ ratinterpol-20131227.mac ------
> ------ output ------
> [user at localhost ~]$ maxima -b ratinterpol-20132712.mac
> Maxima 5.31.3 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
> using Lisp SBCL 1.1.8-2.fc19
> Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
> Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
> The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
> (%i1) batch("ratinterpol-20132712.mac")
> read and interpret file: /home/user/ratinterpol-20132712.mac
> (%i2) display2d:false
> (%o2) false
> (%i3) load("interpol")
> (%o3)
> "/home/user/opt/maxima/share/maxima/5.31.3/share/numeric/interpol.mac"
> (%i4)
> h:[[1,(-(13+2*b)*1)/12],[2,(-(15+2*b)*1)/7],[3,(-(17+2*b)*3)/16],[4,(-(19+2*b)*2)/9],[5,(-(21+2*b)*1)/4],[6,(-(23+2*b)*3)/11]]
> (%o4)
> [[1,(-2*b-13)/12],[2,(-2*b-15)/7],[3,3*(-2*b-17)/16],[4,2*(-2*b-19)/9],[5,(-2*b-21)/4],[6,3*(-2*b-23)/11]]
> (%i5) ratinterpol(h,1)
> (%o5) (1500441*x/16+144)/(x^4-55*x^3/2+1415*x^2/4-24275*x/8-579441/8)
> (%i6) ratinterpol(h,2)
> (%o6) (-x^2-13*x/2)/(x+5)
> (%i7)
> h:[[1,(-1)/12],[2,(-1)/7],[3,(-3)/16],[4,(-2)/9],[5,(-1)/4],[6,(-3)/11]]
> (%o7) [[1,-1/12],[2,-1/7],[3,-3/16],[4,-2/9],[5,-1/4],[6,-3/11]]
> (%i8) ratinterpol(h,1)
> (%o8) -x/(2*(x+5))
> (%o8) "/home/user/ratinterpol-20132712.mac"
> ------ output ------
> _______________________________________________
> Maxima mailing list
> Maxima at math.utexas.edu
> http://www.math.utexas.edu/mailman/listinfo/maxima
-------------- next part --------------
Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Mario Rodriguez Riotorto
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it
will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
GNU General Public License for more details at
This package defines some interpolation techniques.
For questions, suggestions, bugs and the like, feel free
to contact me at
mario @@@ edu DOT xunta DOT es
/* Returns de input in the form of a list of pairs, ordered wrt the first */
/* coordinate. The argument must be either: */
/* a) a two column matrix, p:matrix([2,4],[5,6],[9,3]) */
/* b) a list of pairs, p: [[2,4],[5,6],[9,3]] */
/* c) a list of numbers, p: [4,6,3], in which case the abscissas will be */
/* assigned automatically to 1, 2, 3, etc. */
/* This is an uxiliary function for the 'interpol' package. */
if not listp(data) and not matrixp(data)
then error("Argument to '",funame,"' must be a list or matrix"),
n: length(data),
if n<2
then error("Argument to '",funame,"' has too few sample points")
elseif listp(data) and every('identity,map(lambda([x], listp(x) and length(x)=2),data))
then out: sort(data)
elseif matrixp(data) and length(data[1]) = 2
then out: sort(args(data))
elseif listp(data) and every('identity,map(lambda([x], not listp(x)),data))
then out: makelist([i,data[i]],i,1,n)
else error("Error in arguments to '",funame,"' function"),
/* controlling duplicated x's */
for i:2 thru n do
if out[i-1][1] = out[i][1]
then error("Duplicated abscissas are not allowed"),
out )$
/* Lagrangian interpolation. The argument must be either: */
/* a) a two column matrix, p:matrix([2,4],[5,6],[9,3]) */
/* b) a list of pairs, p: [[2,4],[5,6],[9,3]] */
/* c) a list of numbers, p: [4,6,3], in which case the abscissas will be */
/* assigned automatically to 1, 2, 3, etc. */
/* In cases a) and b) the pairs are ordered wrt the 1st. coordinate before any */
/* computation is made. Option: */
/* 'varname='x: the name of the independent variable */
/* Sample session: */
/* load(interpol); */
/* p:[[7,2],[8,2],[1,5],[3,2],[6,7]]$ */
/* lagrange(p); */
/* f(x):=''%; */
/* map(f,[2.3,5/7,%pi]); */
/* load(draw)$; */
/* draw2d( */
/* explicit(f(x),x,0,9), */
/* point_size = 3, */
/* points(p)) $ */
lagrange(tab,[select]) := block([n,sum:0,prod,options, defaults,ratprint:false],
tab: interpol_check_input(tab,"lagrange"),
options: ['varname],
defaults: ['x],
for i in select do(
aux: ?position(lhs(i),options),
if numberp(aux) and aux <= length(options) and aux >= 1
then defaults[aux]: rhs(i)),
if not symbolp(defaults[1])
then error("Option 'varname' is not correct"),
/* constructing the interpolating polynomial */
n: length(tab),
for i:1 thru n do(
prod: 1,
for k:1 thru n do
if k#i then prod: prod * (defaults[1]-tab[k][1]) / (tab[i][1]-tab[k][1]),
sum: sum + prod * tab[i][2] ),
sum )$
/* Characteristic function for intervals. Returns true iif */
/* z belongs to [l1, l2). This is an auxiliary function to */
/* be called from linearinterpol and cspline */
charfun2(z,l1,l2):= charfun(l1 <= z and z < l2)$
/* Linear interpolation. The argument must be either: */
/* a) a two column matrix, p:matrix([2,4],[5,6],[9,3]) */
/* b) a list of pairs, p: [[2,4],[5,6],[9,3]] */
/* c) a list of numbers, p: [4,6,3], in which case the abscissas will be */
/* assigned automatically to 1, 2, 3, etc. */
/* In cases a) and b) the pairs are ordered wrt the 1st. coordinate before any */
/* computation is made. Option: */
/* 'varname='x: the name of the independent variable */
/* Sample session: */
/* load(interpol); */
/* p:[[7,2],[8,2],[1,5],[3,2],[6,7]]$ */
/* linearinterpol(p); */
/* f(x):=''%; */
/* map(f,[2.3,5/7,%pi]); */
/* load(draw)$; */
/* draw2d( */
/* explicit(f(x),x,0,9), */
/* point_size = 3, */
/* points(p)) $ */
linearinterpol(tab,[select]) := block([n,s:0,a,b,options, defaults,ratprint:false],
tab: interpol_check_input(tab,"linearinterpol"),
options: ['varname],
defaults: ['x],
for i in select do(
aux: ?position(lhs(i),options),
if numberp(aux) and aux <= length(options) and aux >= 1
then defaults[aux]: rhs(i)),
if not symbolp(defaults[1])
then error("Option 'varname' is not correct"),
/* constructing the interpolating polynomial */
n: length(tab),
if n=2 /* case of two points */
then s: tab[2][2] + (tab[2][2]-tab[1][2]) *
(defaults[1]-tab[2][1]) /
else for i:2 thru n do(
if i=2
then (a: 'minf, b: tab[i][1])
else if i=n
then (a: tab[i-1][1], b: 'inf)
else (a: tab[i-1][1], b: tab[i][1]),
s: s + funmake('charfun2,[defaults[1], a, b]) *
expand( tab[i][2] + (tab[i][2]-tab[i-1][2]) *
(defaults[1]-tab[i][1]) /
(tab[i][1]-tab[i-1][1]) ) ),
s )$
/* Cubic splines interpolation. The argument must be either: */
/* a) a two column matrix, p:matrix([2,4],[5,6],[9,3]) */
/* b) a list of pairs, p: [[2,4],[5,6],[9,3]] */
/* c) a list of numbers, p: [4,6,3], in which case the abscissas will be */
/* assigned automatically to 1, 2, 3, etc. */
/* In cases a) and b) the pairs are ordered wrt the 1st. coordinate before any */
/* computation is made. Options: */
/* 'd1='unknown: 1st derivative at x_1; if it is 'unknown, the second derivative */
/* at x_1 is made equal to 0 (natural cubic spline); if it is equal to a */
/* number, the second derivative is estimated based on this number */
/* 'd2='unknown: 1st derivative at x_n; if it is 'unknown, the second derivative */
/* at x_n is made equal to 0 (natural cubic spline); if it is equal to a */
/* number, the second derivative is estimated based on this number */
/* 'varname='x: the name of the independent variable */
/* Reference: this algorithm is based on 'Numerical Recipes in C', section 3.3 */
/* Sample session: */
/* load(interpol); */
/* p:[[7,2],[8,2],[1,5],[3,2],[6,7]]$ */
/* cspline(p); ==> natural cubic spline (second derivatives are zero in both extremes) */
/* f(x):=''%; */
/* map(f,[2.3,5/7,%pi]); */
/* load(draw)$; */
/* draw2d( */
/* explicit(f(x),x,0,9), */
/* point_size = 3, */
/* points(p)) $ */
/* cspline(p,d1=0,dn=0); */
/* g(x):=''%; */
/* draw2d( */
/* explicit(g(x),x,0,9), */
/* point_size = 3, */
/* points(p)) $ */
cspline(tab,[select]):= block([options, defaults, n, aux, y2, u, sig, p,
qn, un, a, b, s:0, aj, bj, cj, dj, aux,ratprint:false],
tab: interpol_check_input(tab,"cspline"),
options: ['d1, 'dn, 'varname],
defaults: ['unknown, 'unknown, 'x],
for i in select do(
aux: ?position(lhs(i),options),
if numberp(aux) and aux <= length(options) and aux >= 1
then defaults[aux]: rhs(i)),
if not numberp(defaults[1]) and defaults[1] # 'unknown
then error("Option 'd1' is not correct"),
if not numberp(defaults[2]) and defaults[2] # 'unknown
then error("Option 'dn' is not correct"),
if not symbolp(defaults[3])
then error("Option 'varname' is not correct"),
/* if tab contains only two points, linear interpolation */
n: length(tab),
if n=2 /* case of two points */
then return(ratsimp( tab[2][2] + (tab[2][2]-tab[1][2]) *
(defaults[3]-tab[2][1]) /
/* constructing the interpolating polynomial */
y2: makelist(0,i,1,n),
u: makelist(0,i,1,n-1),
/* controlling the lower boundary condition */
if /*d1*/ defaults[1] = 'unknown
then (y2[1]: 0,
u[1]: 0)
else (y2[1]: -1/2,
u[1]: 3 / (tab[2][1]-tab[1][1]) *
((tab[2][2] - tab[1][2])/(tab[2][1] - tab[1][1]) - defaults[1]) ),
/* decomposition loop of the triangular algorithm */
for i:2 thru n-1 do (
sig: (tab[i][1] - tab[i-1][1]) / (tab[i+1][1] - tab[i-1][1]),
p: sig * y2[i-1] + 2,
y2[i]: (sig - 1) / p,
u[i]: (tab[i+1][2] - tab[i][2]) /(tab[i+1][1] - tab[i][1]) -
(tab[i][2] - tab[i-1][2]) /(tab[i][1] - tab[i-1][1]),
u[i]: (6 * u[i] / (tab[i+1][1] - tab[i-1][1]) - sig * u[i-1]) / p ) ,
/* controlling the upper boundary condition */
if /*dn*/ defaults[2] = 'unknown
then (qn: 0,
un: 0)
else (qn: 1/2,
un: 3 / (tab[n][1] - tab[n-1][1]) *
(defaults[2] - (tab[n][2] - tab[n-1][2]) / (tab[n][1] - tab[n-1][1]))),
y2[n]: (un - qn * u[n-1]) / (qn * y2[n-1] + 1),
/* backsubstitution loop of the tridiagonal algorithm */
for k: n-1 thru 1 step -1 do
y2[k]: y2[k] * y2[k+1] + u[k],
/* constructing the cubic splines */
for j:2 thru n do (
if j=2
then (a: 'minf, b: tab[j][1] )
else if j=n
then (a: tab[j-1][1], b: 'inf)
else (a: tab[j-1][1], b: tab[j][1]),
/* in the following sentences, defaults[3] is variable's name */
aux: (tab[j][1] - tab[j-1][1]),
aj: (tab[j][1] - defaults[3]) / aux,
bj: (defaults[3] - tab[j-1][1]) / aux,
aux: aux * aux /6,
cj: (aj^3 - aj) * aux,
dj: (bj^3 - bj) * aux,
s: s + funmake('charfun2,[defaults[3], a, b]) *
expand(aj * tab[j-1][2] + bj * tab[j][2] + cj * y2[j-1] + dj * y2[j]) ),
s )$
/* Rational interpolation, with interpolating function of the form */
/* r */
/* p x + ... + p x + p */
/* r 1 0 */
/* R(x) = ------------------------ */
/* m */
/* q x + ... + q x + q */
/* m 1 0 */
/* The 2nd. argument r is the degree of the numerator (r < sample size). The */
/* degree of the denominator is calculated as m: sample_size - r - 1. */
/* The 1st. argument must be either: */
/* a) a two column matrix, p:matrix([2,4],[5,6],[9,3]) */
/* b) a list of pairs, p: [[2,4],[5,6],[9,3]] */
/* c) a list of numbers, p: [4,6,3], in which case the abscissas will be */
/* assigned automatically to 1, 2, 3, etc. */
/* In cases a) and b) the pairs are ordered wrt the 1st. coordinate before any */
/* computation is made. Option: */
/* 'varname='x: the name of the independent variable */
/* Sample session: */
/* load(interpol)$ */
/* load(draw)$ */
/* p: [[7.2, 2.5], [8.5, 2.1], [1.6, 5.1], [3.4, 2.4], [6.7, 7.9]]$ */
/* for k:0 thru length(p)-1 do */
/* draw2d(explicit(ratinterpol(p,k),x,0,9), */
/* point_size = 3, */
/* points(p), */
/* title = concat("Degree of numerator = ",k), */
/* yrange=[0,10])$ */
ratinterpol(tab,r,[select]) :=
tab: interpol_check_input(tab,"ratinterpol"),
options: ['varname],
defaults: ['x],
for i in select do(
aux: ?position(lhs(i),options),
if numberp(aux) and aux <= length(options) and aux >= 1
then defaults[aux]: rhs(i)),
if not symbolp(defaults[1])
then error("Option 'varname' is not correct"),
/* constructing the interpolating rational function */
n: length(tab),
if not integerp(r) or r > n-1 or r < 0
then error("Degree of numerator must be a positive integer less than sample size"),
m: n - r - 1, /* degree of denominator */
/* coef is the matrix of an homogeneous linear system */
coef: apply(matrix,
[x,y]: p,
p, tab)),
unk: makelist(gensym(), k, r+m+2),
sol: map(last, linsolve(flatten(args(coef.unk)),unk)),
lovtab : listofvars(tab),
lov: listofvars(sol),
lov: listify(setdifference(setify(lov),setify(lovtab))),
sol: subst(map(lambda([z1,z2], z1=z2), lov, makelist(1, k, length(lov))), sol),
makelist(sol[k],k,1,r+1) . makelist(defaults[1]^k,k,0,r) /
makelist(sol[k],k,r+2,r+2+m) . makelist(defaults[1]^k,k,0,m) )$