fpprintprec and leading zeros

On 2013-12-28, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at gmail.com> wrote:

> The logic for this stuff is found at lines 315--328 in src/commac.lisp
> (function EXPLODEN). I looked at it for a few minutes but I don't have
> an easy fix.

Here is a simple-minded patch. Comments welcome. It just sticks a "0"
on the result if it starts with ".".

Robert Dodier

$ git diff src/commac.lisp
diff --git a/src/commac.lisp b/src/commac.lisp
index 7de50f0..55eb973 100644
--- a/src/commac.lisp
+++ b/src/commac.lisp
@@ -325,7 +325,15 @@ values")
                                                   (t 1)))))
                            (values "~ve" (+ 5 effective-printprec))))
-                  (setq string (format nil form width symb))))
+                  (setq string (format nil form width a))
+                   ;; Ensure result has a leading zero if it needs one.
+                   (if (eq (aref string 0) #\.)
+                     (setq string (concatenate 'string "0" string)))
+                   ;; EXPLODEN is often called after NFORMAT, so it doesn't
+                   ;; usually see a negative argument. I can't guarantee
+                   ;; a non-negative argument, so handle negative here.
+                   (if (< symb 0)
+                     (setq string (concatenate 'string "-" string)))))
             (setq string (string-trim " " string))))
       ((integerp symb)