
A Computer Algebra System

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Installation in Windows

  1. Download the latest Maxima version, which is currently: 5.47.0-Windows. Modern PCs are usually running a 64-bit version of the operating system, so download the file ending with win64.exe. Older PCs may be running a 32-bit Windows, then download the win32.exe version. Look at: Which Windows operating system am I running? if you are unsure.
    Note: The last Windows installer of Maxima, which runs on Windows 7 is 5.45.1.
    Note: Windows can also run on ARM CPUs, but one can run unmodified x86 or x64 Windows apps on Arm devices, so Maxima should work there too.
  2. Run that file you downloaded to start the installation process. It might take some time, because the installation program will also install other additional programs separate from Maxima.
  3. Once the installation process ends, look in the directory where you installed Maxima, which will be something similar to: C:\maxima-5.47.0. In that directory you should find a sub-directory named bin, which has the programs that were installed. Before you run any of those programs, make sure your antivirus will not touch the programs there. If you're not sure, make a backup of that directory somewhere. It happens very often that after the first time you run Maxima the antivirus deletes the program considering a virus. The back-up will help you recover the missing files without having to install Maxima again.
  4. You have the three interfaces to Maxima that you will find in the bin directory or the start menu: Command-line Maxima, Xmaxima and Wxmaxima. And check that you get the %i1 prompt and can execute some basic commands.
  5. To make sure Maxima can also launch the two graphic programs it uses, run the following two commands which should create plots:
      plot2d (x, [x,0,1]);
      plotdf ([y,-x]);

Installation using package managers

Maxima (maybe not the most recent version) is also installable using package managers like winget or Chocolatey.

Recent Releases

Click on a version number to see the list of main changes.

5.47.0: June 01, 2023

5.46.0: April 13, 2022

5.45.1: June 21, 2021

5.45.0: May 24, 2021