CMUCL problems with yesterdays sources

   I grabbed yesterdays sources and there are a few problems. [under cmulisp]

Thank you for testing that.   I have fixed the things you suggest
that presented problems under cmulisp and also the problem 

   o Finally, a more serious problem.  Problems 6 and 23 in rtest6a
     are wrong.  For problem 23, the expected answer is abs(y).  However,

should now be ok.   hyp.lisp was setting the value not inside a let.

All the tests are now ok under gcl and clisp.   Also the source level
debugging (which had temporarily been broken by a clisp patch), does
now work under both gcl and clisp.    All the emacs files such as
dbl.el, smart-complete.el, sshell.el are also now in the maxima
distribution as well as the gcl distribution, since people using clisp
or cmulisp would also need them if they want the source level
debugging under emacs.   I have also updated the documentation on
that (as well as a number of other things).  

The changes are in the cvs and also the daily snapshot has been
