>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Schelter <wfs@mail.ma.utexas.edu> writes:
Bill> I grabbed yesterdays sources and there are a few problems. [under cmulisp]
Bill> Thank you for testing that. I have fixed the things you suggest
Bill> that presented problems under cmulisp and also the problem
Bill> o Finally, a more serious problem. Problems 6 and 23 in rtest6a
Bill> are wrong. For problem 23, the expected answer is abs(y). However,
Bill> should now be ok. hyp.lisp was setting the value not inside a let.
Bill> All the tests are now ok under gcl and clisp. Also the source level
Do you mean clisp or cmulisp?
Bill> The changes are in the cvs and also the daily snapshot has been
Bill> updated.
I'll check these out soon.