Parametric plots

Pedro writes:>

	  I think Maxima should have an easy method for plotting para-
   metric curves and surfaces..., like


I have added a 2d parametric plot.   I believe I added the 3d one a couple
of years ago, and I am not sure why I did not do a 2d one..

For plot3d for example doing a moebius band:

thus the first argument is a list of 3 functions, in the parametric case.

For plot2d, since the argument could already be a list of functions (meaning
plot them all simultaneously on the same window), I added parametric expressions:
things like


which would mean the unit circle.   

          (C1) plot2d([parametric,cos(t),sin(t),[t,-%pi*2,%pi*2]]);
          (C2) plot2d([parametric,cos(t),sin(t),[t,-%pi*2,%pi*2],
          (C3) plot2d([x^3+2,[parametric,cos(t),sin(t),[t,-5,5]]],

 - Function: PLOT2D (expr,range,...,options,..)
 - Function: PLOT2D ([expr1,expr2,..,exprn],xrange,...,options,..)
 - Function: PLOT2D (parametric_expr)
 - Function: PLOT2D ([..,expr,..,parametric_expr,..],xrange,...,options)

are the possibilities, so you can plot several parametric expressions.


[these things are in the cvs, you need
src/plot.lisp  src/max_ext.lisp info/Plotting.texi
and I also had to change the gcl function info mechanism slightly (1 character
change) to handle the 'describe' of multiple line info entries like the above.. see