Re: 2d-parametric plots

Dear Maxima experts,

I agreee that the possibility od parametric plots is a good idea, but the
third example 
> ... 
> (C3) plot2d([x^3+2,[parametric,cos(t),sin(t),[t,-5,5]]],
>                  [x,-3,3]); 
> ... 
does not give any result with the option ['plot_format, GNUPLOT] and the
data file "maxout.gnuplot" can be plotted via gnuplot after some changes.
It will probably need some changes in "mgnuplot" file, I guess. Does
anybody have an idea, how to change this file, please? 

Thanks for any hints
Yours faithfully

Lukas Richterek

Department of Theoretical Physics | tel.:+420-68-5634103
Fac. Nat. Sciences,               | fax :+420-68-5225737  
Palacky University                | e-mail: 
Svobody 26, Olomouc, CZ-771 46    | 
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