GPL baloney

1. How about if we change the subject to
reflect the topic, instead of using tired old
thread names.

2. The Macsyma source code circa 1982 is not
covered by the Gnu public license.  It is at
this point FREE software.  Byt contrast, the Gnu software
is RESTRICTED by the Gnu public license.  What
does it mean for the code to be free? and
why is GPL restricted?

Someone could take Macsyma, polish it up, make it
better (or worse) and sell it, license it,
make money on it, and not distribute the revised
source.  This might be attractive to some
entrepreneur, and useful to some body of users
who would like to pay for support, and not have
to worry about source code etc.  The downside
of GPL is that such an entrepreneur would be
discouraged if Macsyma code were GPL'd. 

I do not know the status of Bill Schelter's add-on
code and GPL.  I do not release my code under GPL;
if I think about it I label it with my name and/or
my institution as copyright owner. And then I
give it away. 

Raymond Toy wrote:
> >>>>> "CY" == C Y <> writes:
>     CY> I know that the GPL release of Maxima is subject to
>     CY> some export restrictions or something like that - how
>     CY> does the FSF feel about that kind of stuff?
> Really?  Didn't know that.  Why is that?  Is it because the code came
> from the DOE?
> Ray
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