tex() inserting "%"

Maxima 5.6/gcc 2.4.0, this  says it all:

(C1) a:cosh(x);
(D1)                                COSH(x)
(C2) tex(a);
(D2)                                 FALSE
(C3) b:cosh(x)^2;
(D3)                               COSH (x)
(C4) tex(b);
(D4)                                 FALSE

Obviously the "%" in the texification of cosh^2 is wreaking havoc with
my doc ... I assume it should be \cosh in Tex as it is in Latex (but
am not a Tex user per se). Am I safe to just do something like sed
's/%/\\/', or should I be more concerned than that?



Judah Milgram                            (301) 227-1536 (voice)
Carderock Division, NSWC, Code 5301      (301) 227-2584 (fax)
9500 MacArthur Blvd.                     milgramjh@nswccd.navy.mil
West Bethesda, MD  20817-5700