tex() inserting "%"

> But it does look like a bug as you report it.

Looking at mactex.lisp, it appears to be not a bug but just an
incomplete setup list. Here's a patch that "seems to" work, haven't
tested it thoroughly.  Maybe this list should be expanded to include
things that aren't "log-like" in Latex but have names in Maxima, e.g.

(%atanh "\\tanh^{-1}")   (or maybe "\\mbox{\\rm atanh}")

and so forth.

thanks again,

- Judah

P.S. this sure beats the customer support I used to get with Brand X!

Judah Milgram                            (301) 227-1536 (voice)
Carderock Division, NSWC, Code 5301      (301) 227-2584 (fax)
9500 MacArthur Blvd.                     milgramjh@nswccd.navy.mil
West Bethesda, MD  20817-5700        

--- mactex.lisp.dist	Tue Sep 25 08:08:10 2001
+++ mactex.lisp	Tue Sep 25 08:52:46 2001
@@ -660,14 +660,45 @@
       (setf (get a 'texsym) (list b))
       (setf (get a 'tex-rbp) 110)))
+;; JM 09/01 expand and re-order to follow table of "log-like" functions,
+;; see table in Lamport, 2nd edition, 1994, p. 44, table 3.9.
+;; I don't know if these are Latex-specific so you may have to define
+;; them if you use plain Tex.
 (mapc #'tex-setup 
-  '( (%sin "\\sin ")
-     (%cos "\\cos ")
+  '( 
      (%acos "\\arccos ")
+     (%asin "\\arcsin ")
+     (%atan "\\arctan ")
+     ; Latex's arg(x) is ... ?
+     (%cos "\\cos ")
+     (%cosh "\\cosh ")
+     (%cot "\\cot ")
+     (%coth "\\coth ")
+     (%csc "\\csc ")
+     ; Latex's "deg" is ... ?
+     (%determinant "\\det ")
+     (%dim "\\dim")
+     (%exp "\\exp")
+     (%gcd "\\gcd")
+     ; Latex's "hom" is ... ?
+     (%inf "\\inf ") ; many will prefer "\\infty ".
+     ; Latex's "ker" is ... ? 
+     ; Latex's "lg" is ... ? 
+     (%limit "\\lim ")
+     ; Latex's "liminf" ... ?
+     ; Latex's "limsup" ... ?
      (%ln "\\ln ")
      (%log "\\log ")
-     (%atan "\\arctan ")
+     (%max "\\max ")
+     (%min "\\min ")
+     ; Latex's "Pr" ... ?
+     (%sec "\\sec ")
+     (%sin "\\sin ")
+     (%sinh "\\sinh ")
+     ; Latex's "sup" ... ?
      (%tan "\\tan ")
+     (%tanh "\\tanh ")
     ;; (%erf "{\\rm erf}") this would tend to set erf(x) as erf x. Unusual
      ;(%laplace "{\\cal L}")
      )) ;; etc