Documentation Questions

--- Tuukka Toivonen <> wrote:
> On 3 Oct 2001, Jay Belanger wrote:
> >Tuukka Toivonen <> writes:
> >> is the intro.html "Maxima Primer", that comes at least with Maxima
> 5.6.
> >Do you mean intromax.html in the doc directory?
> >Well, there is also, in the info directory, the beginnings of what I
> >think is a better primer, maxima-primer.tex by Nels Tomlinson.
> No. Now that you said it, I see that there's *three* different
> tutorials.
> 	maxima-5.6/intro.html
> 	maxima-5.6/doc/intromax.html
> 	maxima-5.6/info/maxima-primer.tex
> Only one of those should probably be left, after one of them
> will be complete enough so that it includes the all others.
> And, there should definitely be a master index for documentation,
> that points to all different pieces of documentation.
> It seems that the situation now is so that there are many
> small overlapping pieces of documentation.

Right.  As is it is very confusing for new users.  I've looked over the
primer and intromax.html quickly (more detailed reads will have to wait
till after class) and both contain much good information.  Probably the
primer is the best place to start.  One point - we probably need to
distinguish between primer (quick intro) and user manual (more in
depth, thorough instructions.)  We should decide what we want in each,
how much overlap their should be, and how to structure them.  I'll look
at some of the Mathematica stuff we've got lying around and see if I
can get any good ideas on how to (or maybe how not to) structure this
stuff - I would encourage everyone to brainstorm and let's see what we
can come up with.  


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