More on Maxima vs Maple

Good day Ray,

My discussion on simplifying equations had to do with the fact that some 
people were arguing that I was to be responsible for doing factor, 
expand and so on until Maxima could solve whatever problem I submit.

I claim that if both Mathematica and Maple can solve correctly a given 
problem without me having to use factor, expand and so on... then I just 
found a limitation of Maxima. A limitation that should be put on a "to 
do list" or "request for enhancement list". Instead, I was told I didn't 
understand computer algebra by some (or at least, it was implied). I 
feel that I understand computer algebra as well as any user should.

>>The truth, it seems, is that Maxima cannot solve
>> exp(a * x) = C * exp(b * x)
> Ah, here's an example.  Indeed, Maxima doesn't solve it.  Does Maple?
> Does Mathematica?  What results do they give?

Yes. They both solve it properly. Maxima chokes on it. It won't choke on

exp(a * x) /exp(b * x) = C

however. I say that Maxima could be improved here.

>> I just get mad when people say things like... "the problem isn't with
>> the software, it is with you..." 
> Has anyone here said that?

Yes. It has been implied by some individual that I should be expected to 
play around with an equation like "exp(a * x) = C * exp(b * x)" before 
Maxima can solve it. I've been told that I should chart my solution 
before asking Maxima to solve it. Basically, instead of saying "Maxima 
is limited here and we should probably see if someone can fix that", 
I've been told that I didn't know how to use Computer Algebra. I disagree.

I'm not blaming anyone, I'm trying to push the community around so that 
we have a nice process where we don't go assuming that Maxima 
necessarily does the right thing all the time. I'm trying to make sure 
that my voice is heard. I think I managed to do that quite well and I'm 
happy. ;-)

>> ... I'm afraid to report this as a bug because people
>> are going to start arguing that it is a feature and that it is up to
>> me to run "kill" after I execute a piece of software.
> Has anything similar to that happened on this list?

I was being cynical. I was trying to make a point about some people just 
dismissing my criticism right off.

Out of 4 problems I submitted to the community (problems I took out of a 
Maple class I'm teaching), it turns out that Maxima can solve quite well 
2 of them (through tricks I people gave me). Both Mathematica and Maple 
can solve all 4 problems. I only kept one problem (the exp one), because 
I'm convinced Maxima should be able to solve it.

You must realize that at first, Maxima failed to solve the 4 problems I 
copied over from my Maple sheet. It was very disappointing to get a 
score of zero. Now, Maxima gets a score of 50%. That's way up thanks to 
the community!

Now, I'm only trying to propose that Maxima should aim for the 100% 
score. That is, it should do as well as commercial tools.

Daniel Lemire, Ph.D.