More accurate gamma

On Thursday 11 October 2001 15:02, Raymond Toy wrote:
> Good idea, and it's GPL too so the license is compatible with maxima.
> However, it looks like it's in C.  Doing a foreign function interface
> to it may not be easy.  And certainly not portable.
> But this would be very nice to have....
> Ray

This is what I found at the home page of cmucl:

#CMUCL: a high-performance, free Common Lisp implementation 
#. . . 
#Here is a summary of its main features: 
#. . .
#a foreign function interface which allows interfacing with C code and system 
#libraries, including shared libraries on most platforms, and direct access 
#to Unix system calls. 

And from the pari home page I get:

#PARI-GP is a software package for computer-aided number theory. It consists 
#of a C library, libpari (with optional assembler cores for some popular 
#architectures) . . .

Shouldn't that be enough? I don't know about programming and interfacing and 
all that, so maybe I'm just missing the point. But to me it looks like 
maxima's strength is in manipulating formulas, maintaining a knowledge base, 
understanding context and stuff like that, and not in numerical calculations, 
graphics interface and by the way not in user interface. If I look at it as a 
kind of free Mathematica or Maple, to me it looks like a looser. But if I 
look at it as a kind of linux kernel for scientific software, it looks really 
exciting to me. 
