bug in solve

On Saturday 13 October 2001 10:43, you wrote:
> Looks like the symptom of a bug in the polynomial
> greatest common divisor algorithm.  This could
> be caused by a bug in the integer division algorithm
> in the underlying lisp.

Two things which occurred to me:

1. If the underlying lisp, that is gcl, is also buggy, I would prefer someone 
changed maxima to a lisp which is maintained by some established group, so 
those problems are taken care of otherwhere.

2. If it is the underlying lisp, does this explain the (C6) example of mine 
also? I repeated this example something like 20 times, and one answer 
(exactly one answer that is, so no scientific evidence) after pressing Ctrl-C 
was different. The standard answer of course is 

(C1) Solve((a^2+1)*x^2+a^3*x+1=0,x);

Correctable error: Console interrupt.
If continued: Type :r to resume execution, or :q to quit to top level.
Broken at SYSTEM:TERMINAL-INTERRUPT.  Type :H for Help.

but once it said

(C3) Solve((a^2+1)*x^2+a^3*x+1=0,x);

Correctable error: Console interrupt.
Signalled by PCPLUS.
If continued: Type :r to resume execution, or :q to quit to top level.

Process Maxima aborted

Does this mean anything to you?
