Subject: patch for mactex.lisp + init.lsp + maxpage
From: Daniel Duparc
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 08:08:06 +0100
Dear friends of maxima,
1. patch for mactex.lisp
I did'nt succeed in patching any mactex.lisp:
the tex() command is always bad.
Would you please, Barton, put a good mactex.lisp
in a web (or ftp) site (or send it in this list:
suitably gzipped, it would be quite small...)
2. maxpage
Several messages in this list gave hints about
maxpage (from Bill and others...).
I've got 768MB ram but it seems that launching
./configure --enable-maxpage=128*1024
(512 MB for pages)
puts the compilation of gcl 2.3.8beta into
troubles in _some_ cases.
Does anybody know why?
How can I verify these tunings?
3. init.lsp
a) Is this the good location for it:
if the lib for maxima was installed in
b) Has anybody a _recommended_ init.lsp
depending on maxpage? (Vadim?)
+ I don't know how to allocate a sufficiently large
bignum-stack (i. e., I think, for this gcl, a pari stack)
to compute 10000! without a further call to
:lisp(si::multiply-bignum-stack 100)
+ where is the documentation about these issues?
(everything in this message came from messages
in this list, not from the inner documentation)
Best regards.
Daniel Duparc <>
29 av. de la Commune de Paris
94400 Vitry sur Seine (France)