Subject: patch for mactex.lisp + init.lsp + maxpage
From: Vadim V. Zhytnikov
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 00:10:03 +0300
Daniel Duparc wrote:
> 2. maxpage
> -----------
> Several messages in this list gave hints about
> maxpage (from Bill and others...).
> I've got 768MB ram but it seems that launching
> ./configure --enable-maxpage=128*1024
> (512 MB for pages)
> puts the compilation of gcl 2.3.8beta into
> troubles in _some_ cases.
> Does anybody know why?
Do you mean that with 128*1024 compilation
sometimes succeed but sometimes not?
What are the error messages about?
> 3. init.lsp
> -----------
> a) Is this the good location for it:
> /usr/local/lib/maxima-5.6/src/
> if the lib for maxima was installed in
> "/usr/local/lib/maxima-5.6"?
Why not. But it seems that GCL/Maxima loads init.lsp
only from current working directory or if explicitly
requested by appropriate command line parameter.
> b) Has anybody a _recommended_ init.lsp
> depending on maxpage? (Vadim?)
I don't have it. GCL has quite complex memory
allocation system. It splits memory in several
independent areas and it is hard to make any
universal layout. Optimal memory allocation
in GCL seems to be problem dependent (do you
need many large bignums or lots of list nodes).
This is my practical experience so far
but actually I'm not 100% sure that I'm correct.
Maybe the right way is to tune automatic new
memory allocation using allocate-growth rather
than preallocate large amount of RAM on
start up.
> + where is the documentation about these issues?
> (everything in this message came from messages
> in this list, not from the inner documentation)
All memory allocation functions are described in
GCL info pages.
> Best regards.
> --
> Daniel Duparc <>
> 29 av. de la Commune de Paris
> 94400 Vitry sur Seine (France)
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