Emaxima Emacs Mode (Was Re: [Maxima] User Manual)

--- Daniel Martins <dmartins@lcmi.ufsc.br> wrote:
> >>>>> "Jay" == Jay Belanger <belanger@truman.edu> writes:
>     Jay> willisb@unk.edu writes: ...
>     >> And I *really* like Jay Belanger's offer to get Dan Dill's
>     >> Mathematica mode for emacs working for Maxima.
> Great. This a really good news and can improve a lot the performance
> of best GUI, IMHO, that I found for Maxima.

I've given it a shot, and so far I agree that this is an excellent
feature to add to maxima.  I was unable to get the TeX part to work,
but I am more inclined to blame that on the slightly older version of
maxima I have at home.  From what I could see, however, this is
remarkable work.

I do have one question - does this work on Windows?  I know we are a
ways from another bundled maxima Windows binary, but it'd be nice if we
could have this ability for Windows emacs users, too.  (Not my
priority, obviously, but probably worth at least checking out.)

Also, does this work with emacs 21?  I'd be surprised if backward's
compatibility were broken, but with a major version number you wonder a
>     Jay> maxima.el, maxima-font-lock.el and maxima-symbols.el are a
>     Jay> version of Bill Schelter's maxima-mode, that I changed quite
>     Jay> a bit to make suit my needs.  J"urgen Tischer has made
>     Jay> significant improvements to it, and now it may well be worth
>     Jay> checking out itself.
> The version I have in Debian, see below, does not come with these
> features. I installed by myself and I found it very useful but with
> some little problems. I suggest that these Emacs modes be the default
> ones in substituition to the old maxima-mode.  In this way we can
> discuss, unite and improve these modes. 

Agreed. In the TeX department, Barton is continuing to work on the
LaTeX stuff mentioned earlier, and his processor should be able to
generate LaTeX output visually similar to that of TeXmacs.  (The style
which IMHO would work best for the User Manual, although hopefully
we'll be able to do either ascii art or TeX.)  

Speaking of improving the emacs mode, does anyone else have trouble
with  mismatched parenthesis on some of the inputs when using maxima in
emacs?  In my case it seems to be a bit flacky.

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