Re: Emaxima Emacs Mode

C Y <> writes:

> Well, that was certainly part of the problem - now when I do M-x maxima
> I get:
> Correctable error: Console interrupt.
> Signalled by SYSTEM::SET-UP-TOP-LEVEL.
> If continued: Type :r to resume execution, or :q to quit to top level.
> Broken at SYSTEM:TERMINAL-INTERRUPT.  Type :H for Help.
> Loading /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/imaxima.lisp
> Finished loading /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/imaxima.lisp
> [snip]

I think I've found a better way than ^C to load the file without
incrementing the labels. Hopefully this should make the problem go away.

> and when I launch using emacs -f imaxima it starts, but the prompt
> shows
> (C1) ^D 
> and when I try to do integrate(sin(x),x); I get 
> LaTeX error in:  -\cos x

I have now made "LaTeX error in" clickable -- mouse-2 shows the error
log and mouse-3 the LaTeX source, so it should be easier to find the
error. My guess is that TeX can't find the breqn package.

New version at <>;

;;  2001-11-15  Jesper Harder  <>
;;      * make LaTeX error clickable.
;;      * Use linenum:0 instead of ^C to avoid incrementing labels
;;        when loading imaxima.lisp.