linking TeXmacs to Maxima or other lisp programs


I've been trying to interface GNU TeXmacs with Maxima, and I have been
running into some problems.

I downloaded the a sun version of maxima, maxima-sun4-5.2-bin.tgz, and
compiled in my Sun machine. Then I went into Texmacs and started a
maxima session. But it displayed the following.

PATH=/home/bb/users/lucyz/texmacs/TeXmacs- is not an identifier

When i tried to type an expression at the prompt, nothing happens, and
down in the buffer it says "maxima has died". Does anyone have any idea
what the problem is? Maybe I didn't install Maxima correctly. Right now
I can run Maxima fine in the unix shell. Or maybe I need to set some
paths. Any ideas?

My other question is how do I link TeXmacs to another lisp program. Say
I were to write a common lisp program, is there a way to start a lisp
session inside Texmacs? What is the process I have to go through?

Thanks for your help,