Subject: 5.9.0 (was Re: [Maxima] Get rid of SLOOP)
From: James Amundson
Date: 04 Dec 2001 13:27:01 -0600
On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 13:15, C Y wrote:
> By the way, is it the plan to integrate
> the new build system before or after 5.9?
Definitely before. I would like to release 5.9.0 as soon as we've
decided how the file should be (re)arranged and the build system is
ready. The latter is getting close. When it gets a little closer I will
put it in cvs in a separate directory.
For the former (rearranging the files), I have a half-written script
that moves and renames files from maxima-pre59 to the new maxima module.
It also creates a script to do the reverse. Currently they are called
"migrate" and "unmigrate". I was toying with calling them "emigrate" and
"repatriate," but I thought that was a little too opaque. Suggestions
are welcome.
The scripts might sound like overkill, but it provides a way to present
the mapping for discussion. It also makes it 100% clear which files went