7. integerp (a9104910@unet.univie.ac.at) and 8. Re: integerp (Dan Stanger)

Maxima digest Vol 1 #167 - messages 7 and 9:

The problem in Maxima:

(C1) declare(x,integer);
(D1)        DONE
(C2) featurep(x,integer);
(D2)        TRUE
(C3) integerp(x);
(D3)       FALSE

I found I could redefine Integerp(x) to yield TRUE using the
following function definition provided declare(x,integer) is
done first.

integerp(i):=block(args:i,if featurep(i,integer) then true else false)$

Integerp(x);  TRUE
Integerp(y);  FALSE

I feel strange that Maxima did not protest at my redefinition of
Integerp funciton.  Could anyone comment on it?

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