serious xmaxima problem with xfwm

Hi to all:

 I have a the following problem with xmaxima: 

 The problem is that I can't use the menus. When a menu pops up I can  select
 an element and click on it but nothing happens. When I click one element the
 menu closes, in the other window managers if I click and keep the mouse pointer
 over the menu it doesn't close. Other strange thing: when I open a menu, it
 overlap with the interactive window of maxima. If I click an element of the
 menu the interative window prompt appears where I clicked!!! That is, the click
 didn't affect the  menu, but affected the interactive window that is behind the

 Well, I have tested xmaxima with kde, gnome, twm, etc and the problem appears
 with xfwm.

 I'll appreciate ideas or hints. I need xmaxima to work and need to get rid of
 this problem. I don't want to migrate to another wm.

 The following is one comment I received in the xfce mailing list:

 I've just had a look at the source code for xmaxima, and it seems to build
 from scratch, rather than using the usual Tk menu widgets. Now, it may have
 good reasons for doing things that way (e.g. it may have been originally
 several years ago under a very old version of Tk that didn't support menu bars,
 around the time Tk 8.0 introduced a new menu bar mechanism, but xmaxima still
 needed to run on old versions of Tk); but obviously, the more unusual the code,
 less likely it is to work.....

Is someone in this list using xmaxima with xfce? Has the same problems? 



                                 ______  _____________
 Marcelo Ramos                  |      \/       __    |
 Suse 7.1 GNU/Linux 2.2.19      |              |_/    /
 Linux registered user #118109  |                    \       |_____|\/|_____|\_____\

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