serious xmaxima problem with xfwm

Marcelo Ramos wrote:

> Hi to all:
>  I have a the following problem with xmaxima:
>  The problem is that I can't use the menus. When a menu pops up I can  select
>  an element and click on it but nothing happens. When I click one element the
>  menu closes, in the other window managers if I click and keep the mouse pointer
>  over the menu it doesn't close. Other strange thing: when I open a menu, it
>  overlap with the interactive window of maxima. If I click an element of the
>  menu the interative window prompt appears where I clicked!!! That is, the click
>  didn't affect the  menu, but affected the interactive window that is behind the
> menu.
>  Well, I have tested xmaxima with kde, gnome, twm, etc and the problem appears
>  only
>  with xfwm.
>  I'll appreciate ideas or hints. I need xmaxima to work and need to get rid of
>  this problem. I don't want to migrate to another wm.
>  The following is one comment I received in the xfce mailing list:
> #########
>  I've just had a look at the source code for xmaxima, and it seems to build
> menus
>  from scratch, rather than using the usual Tk menu widgets. Now, it may have
> very
>  good reasons for doing things that way (e.g. it may have been originally
> written
>  several years ago under a very old version of Tk that didn't support menu bars,
> or
>  around the time Tk 8.0 introduced a new menu bar mechanism, but xmaxima still
>  needed to run on old versions of Tk); but obviously, the more unusual the code,
> the
>  less likely it is to work.....
> ########
> Is someone in this list using xmaxima with xfce? Has the same problems?
>  TIA
>  Regards,
>         Marcelo.
> --

I don't use xfce on regular basis but I have it installed
on Linux machine. I've just checked - xmaxima works
fine on it. But I remember that I had similar problems
with xmaxima menus on KDE with earlier versions
of xmaxima. Latest version from CVS is much better.



[ Vadim V. Zhytnikov  <>  <> ]