--- "Vadim V. Zhytnikov" <vvzhy@mail.ru> wrote:
> James Amundson wrote:
> > 1) Someone needs to go through and figure out a mapping from the
> >old file names to new file names with consistent endings. It will be
> >tedious
It was. But I have a start. I don't know enough about some of the
stuff there even to know what to do with it, but for a lot of the files
I've got the desired name changes down. I was working with 5.5beta,
since my copy of the newest cvs got corrupted when I tried to bring it
home - if there are any significant differences between the share files
of the two versions that'll have to be corrected for.
I don't know exactly how this will fit into the migration pattern, or
even if it's exactly what you had in mind, but hopefully this will
serve as a guide for Vadim and others. I've included a list of the move
commands I was more or less sure of in the attached file. Is the mac
directory part of this, by the way? Also, there are a few other
directories which need to have decisions made about - books, deliver,
elisp and maybe one or two others.
books, if I am not mistaken, seems to contain Bill's Netmath files.
deliver appears to be part of the old system for making a windows
binary. elisp appears to be an old emacs mode - is this obsolete now
that Emaxima has entered the game? Also, what is the o directory for?
Unfortunately, there were a lot of questions about things in share*
which I'm not qualified to answer or decide on - I've tried to list the
issues at the end of the email. Sorry this is so long. Many of these
can probably be addressed quickly by someone who knows a little more
than I do. Hope this is of some help.
A point of concern - if we change the share structure, however we
decide to do so, we need to make sure we know how to inform Maxima of
the change. In looking at maxima 5.5, the list of share directories
appears to be hard wired - a grep finds both init_max1.lisp and the
saved_maxima file have this information present. Is there anyway to
create a .maxima file, analogous to a .emacs file, which could contain
this information, allow for simple user change of it, and at the same
time allow the loading by default of user selected maxima packages?
For emacs users this would be intuitive, and would certainly be
preferable to hard coded directory listings.
One last point - is there some way we could make the Maxima system
sufficiently flexible so we could install it in an arbitrary directory
under Windows? Currently, as far as I know, it must be C:\maxima
share.mc and share.usg are merely descriptive text files.
I'd recommend we combine them and merge them into the
documentation effort. These do confirm that share, share1
and share2 are all part of the same system.
fft.mil is an answer to an email question about fft.
recommend merging with fft.usg
bessel.usg does not appear to refer to a file currently
available in the share directories.
array.usg - the function this describes fails to load
with an error message. Does not seem to be a file present
which corresponds to this file.
cgamma.usg does not appear to refer to a file currently
available in the share directories.
eigeni.mc appears to be an older version of eigen.mc,
written for macsyma. eigen.mc came about in order
to get this file to run on DOE Macsyma. Need to figure
out what to do with the old file.
neither elec.dat or elec.plt loads in Maxima, or
has any apparent connection to any other file in
share. What are they?
ellipt files - will these be replaced by the new elliptical
integral stuff? needs to be checked
fact.dft is only an example file of how to
exponentiate a series - it claims that this
functionality is now build into TAYLOR, and
this file is now just for reference.
recommend merging into documentation.
The only difference between fileop.lsp and fileop.mc is a character
on the end of the lisp file. The mc file can probably be removed
as a duplicate, once it is established what the purpose of that
character is, unless something in the maxima code requires both.
It is not clear to me what gam.mc is or what is does -
is it associated in some way with gamalg?
The file gam.usg appears to refer to the gamalg file.
Renamed accordingly
it's not clear from what's there, but it looks as
if newton.mac is an expanded version of newton.mc
someone who knows more about this needs to look
over both files and see.
ode2.usg appears to refer to a file which is in the
mac directory.
plot2 does not appear to be present in Maxima. Carrying
out renaming but if plot2 is no longer available we should
probably move these files to some sort of storage directory
for files which are no longer relevant
It appears plot2.rch and plot2.rcn are email archives
which discuss plot2. Recommend adding them to the end
of plot2.usg
qualsp.mc is identical to qualsp.lisp. Unless there is
some need on the part of the Maxima code, removing
qualsp.mc seems like a good idea (the file is lisp)
recur.tpt looks like a log of a sample session - i've renamed it to
recur.usg, but it is not proper documentation.
rombrg is now integrated into maxima - the dem and usg files
are still present. They should probably be merged with the
main documentation.
Not sure what series.usg is associated with - needs to be figured
out. There is a series command in macsyma, not sure if they are
simpsn.dem and simpsn.mcr are quite similar - need to figure out
the purpose of mcr file.
trgsmp.nls appears to be some kind of output from UNLISP?
trgsum is not a file in share - is it present in maxima? If so,
files says it is autoloading, I'd recommend this be merged with
the main documentation.
Not sure what vect.rth is - needs to be figured out.
ai.lisp and ai.mc are virtually identical - one may be
airy.usg refers to a file apparently not present in
share1 Needs to be checked out.
asymp needs to be checked out. There is a file asympa.mc,
but I am not sure that is the file refered to by asymp.* files.
Just glancing through it, it doesn't look likely.
In any case, the demo files are renamed. The dmt file is
an example session, which I'd recommend adding to asymp.usg
I'm not sure if cfortr.tst is a necessary file or a
test file - the tst extension would seem to indicate
a test file, and it does have that appearance.
deleta.dmo appears to be related to the file bad. This in turn is
almost identical to a file delta.dem, except for the line which
loads the delta package. As I check, the file bad is identical
to delta.dem. Hence I'd say delete bad and deleta.dmo - if the load
is a problem the load form ofdelta.dmo can be restored in delta.dem
diffop.lsp and diffop.mc are virtually idenctical - one may be
elim needs to be looked at by someone qualified - there are several
files with endings such as .LISP, .UNLISP and .lsp which seem to have
content. need to figure out which ones are the ones actually used.
The same
case exists for the fourie files and the ntrig files.
note: The file gamma.mac does not appear to be related to cgamma in
hypergeo doesn't seem to be present, but there is a demo file
intexs.mc - I'm not sure what this is - looks like it might
be a demo file of some kind.
there is almost no difference between permut.lsp and permut.mc -
one might be removable
sets doesn't seem to be present in Maxima - are files relevant?
sumcon doesn't seem to be present - tpt file appears to be a sample
session. Recommend adding to .usg file.
recommend combining batch.dmc and batch.tpt files into batch.usg
bfac.lisp is out of date apparently - it recommends user to use bffac
bffac.bfz and bffac.lsp are similar, but there are extra lines in
need help on this one.
cartan.str is quite close to the .dem file, but there are differences -
should be resolved
not sure what to do about disol.nls file - seems to be another UNLISP
recomend adding dskuse.tpt to dskuse.usg
elec.mc and elec.lisp almost identical
There is a long series of files starting with gam, of the form gam*.mc
and gam*.lsp. In each case, the .mc and .lsp files are almost
This needs to be resolved.
recommend adding gendif.bgs to gendif.usg
If I'm not mistaken, kn.trl is an older version of kn.lisp
in the move commands I move it to kn_old.lisp
ndiffq.dmp is an empty file - recommend it be removed
unless needed for some reason by the package, which
unfortunately doesn't seem to be present in Maxima
recommend adding optmiz.tpt to optmiz.usg
recommend adding optvar.tpt to optvar.usg
polsol.usg seems to refer to a file not in share2
powers.usg seems to refer to a file not in share2
prrid.usg seems to refer to a file not in share2 (This one was
written by Dr. Fateman - maybe it's available somewhere in his
revert.trl seems to be an older version of revert.lsp
mv revert.trl revert_old.lisp
someone needs to take a look at sqdnst.mcs and sqdnst.mc
not sure what to do about submac.snt
in general, the .txt files in this directory seem to be macsyma
files almost identical to the .mac files - the differences should
be checked out, and if possible the .txt files removed or the .txt
files replace the .mac files.
also, there are unlisp files present for most of the packages
in this directory - need to figure out what they are for.
I have no idea what the clean.xfl file is - needs to be identified
not sure what defm.snt file is
tex files - this is a french
document, and the tex is quite old. If it is still useful,
maybe the french documentation team can give us a hand translating
it and updating the LaTeX?
Most or all of the files in this directory are part of one
system, which is documented in the tex documentation. It was
apparently written in Paris, and the version number is 01. I
have no idea what it is supposed to do.
doconline probably should be renamed to reflect what
it is describing
There is a makefile present - is this part of the general macsyma
If not, should be checked out.
There is too much there that I don't know about - someone has to figure
out what those files actually do, why they are named the way they are,
and how to work all that over into something that makes more sense.
The documents and papers should probably be combined, but there is a
lot of material there.
In the share/ directory
mv desoln.mc desoln.mac
mv dump.mc dump.lisp
mv eigen.dm1 eigen1.dem
mv eigen.mc eigen.mac
mv ellipt.mc ellipt.lisp
mv fft.dmo fft.dem
mv fft.mc fft.lisp
mv forma1.lsp forma1.lisp
mv format.mc format.lisp
mv functs.lsp functs.lisp
mv functs.mc functs.mac
mv gam.usg gamalg.usg
mv gamalg.lsp gamalg.lisp
mv matfun.mc matfun.mac
mv numer.dmo numer.dem
mv nusum.mc nusum.mac
mv pade2.mc pade2.mac
mv plot2.dmo plot2.dem
mv plot2.prm plot2primer.usg
mv qual.dmo qual.dem
mv qual.mc qual.mac
mv qualsp.lsp qualsp.lisp
mv rateig.mc rateig.mac
mv recur.lsp recur.lisp
mv recur.mc recur.mac
mv recur.tpt recur.usg
mv riemsum.mc riemsum.mac
mv units.mc units.mac
mv vect.lsp vect.lisp
mv vect.mc vect.mac
mv world.mc world.lisp
In the share1/ directory
mv absimp.mc absimp.mac
mv asympa.mv asympa.mac
mv atrig1.mc atrig1.mac
mv atrig1.trl atrig1.lisp
mv cfortr.dmo cfortr.dem
mv cfortr.lsp cfortr.lisp
mv comgen.mc comgen.lisp
mv dblint.dm1 dblint1.dem
mv dblint.lsp dblint.lisp
mv dblint.mc dblint.mac
mv declin.mc declin.mac
mv delta.mc delta.mac
mv determ.lsp determ.lisp
mv determ.mc determ.mac
mv dimen.mc dimen.mac
mv exampl.mc pmain.dem
mv expense.lsp expense.lisp
mv facex1.mc facex1.mac
mv facexp.dmo facexp.dem
mv facexp.mc facexp.mac
mv gamma.mc gamma.mac
mv hypgeo.dmo hypgeo.dem
mv ineq.dmo ineq.dem
mv ineq.mc ineq.mac
mv inteqn.lsp inteqn.lisp
mv inteqn.mc inteqn.mac
mv intsce.lsp intsce.lisp
mv intsce.mc intsce.mac
mv invert.lsp invert.lisp
mv invert.mc invert.mac
mv kach.lsp kach.lisp
mv kach.mc kach.mac
mv nchrpl.mc nchrpl.mac
mv pdvtr.mc pdvtr.mac
mv phypgm.mc phypgm.mac
mv pivtr.mc pivtr.mac
mv pmain.mc pmain.mac
mv qq.lsp qq.lisp
mv rducon.dmo rducon.dem
mv rducon.lsp rducon.lisp
mv rncomb.lsp rncomb.lisp
mv rncomb.mc rncomb.mac
mv scifac.dmo scifac.dem
mv scifac.lsp scifac.lisp
mv seqopt.dmo seqopt.dem
mv seqopt.lsp seqopt.lisp
mv spangl.mcs spangl.mac
mv stopex.dmo stopex.dem
mv stopex.mc stopex.mac
In the share2/ directory
mv antid.dmo antid.dem
mv antid.mc antid.mac
mv arrfun.mc arrfun.mac
mv batch.mc batch.lisp
mv bfac.bzt bfac.lisp
mv brmbrg.lsp brmbrg.lisp
mv bypart.mc bypart.mac
mv cartan.lsp cartan.lisp
mv diffeq.lsp diffeq.lisp
mv diffeq.mc diffeq.mac
mv differ.lsp differ.lisp
mv differ.mc differ.mac
mv disol.dmo disol.dem
mv disol.mc disol.mac
mv disol.trl disol.lisp
mv disran.lsp disran.lisp
mv dskuse.mc dskuse.lisp
mv fido.mc fido.lisp
mv fortra.tco fortra.usg
mv gendif.lsp gendif.lisp
mv gendif.mc gendif.mac
mv ht.dft ht.mac
mv kn.lsp kn.lisp
mv kn.mc kn.mac
mv kn.trl kn_old.lisp
mv linde1.lsp linde1.lisp
mv linde1.mc linde1.mac
mv lrats.lsp lrats.lisp
mv lrats.mc lrats.mac
mv optmiz.dm1 optmiz1.dem
mv optmiz.dm2 optmiz2.dem
mv optmiz.dm3 optmiz3.dem
mv optmiz.dm4 optmiz4.dem
mv optmiz.mc optmiz.mac
mv optvar.dm1 optvar1.dem
mv optvar.dm2 optvar2.dem
mv optvar.lsp optvar.lisp
mv optvar.mc optvar.mac
mv pfaff.lsp pfaff.lisp
mv pfaff.mc pfaff.mac
mv revert.lsp revert.lisp
mv revert.mc revert.mac
mv revert.trl revert_old.lisp
mv set.lsp set.lisp
mv simpsn.lsp simpsn.lisp
mv simpsn.mc simpsn.mac
mv smacro.mc smacro.mac
mv sqdnst.lsp sqdnst.lisp
mv submac.mc submac.mac
mv submac.dmo submac.dem
mv submac.trl submac.lisp
mv vector.dmo vector.dem
mv vector.mc vector.mac
In the sharem/ directory
mv autolo.lsp autolo.lisp
mv autolo.mc autolo.mac
mv basic.lsp basic.lisp
mv basic.mc basic.mac
mv caseq.mc caseq.mac
mv contrl.lsp contrl.lisp
mv contrl.mc contrl.mac
mv defm.dmo defm.dem
mv defm.mc defm.mac
mv defstm.lsp defstm.lisp
mv defstm.mc defstm.mac
mv defstmrun.lsp defstmrun.lisp
mv defstmrun.mc defstmrun.mac
mv fexpr.lsp fexpr.lisp
mv fexpr.mc fexpr.mac
mv keyarg.dmo keyarg.dem
mv keyarg.lsp keyarg.lisp
mv keyarg.mc keyarg.mac
mv packg.lsp packg.lisp
mv packg.mc packg.mac
mv sum1.mc sum1.mac
mv transl.hnt compiling_macsyma_code_hints.usg
In the sym/ directory
mv arite.lsp arite.lisp
mv chbase.lsp chbase.lisp
mv direct.lsp direct.lisp
mv doconline doconline.usg
mv ecrivain.lsp ecrivain.lisp
mv elem.lsp elem.lisp
mv kak.lsp kak.lisp
mv lecteur.lsp lecteur.lisp
mv macros.lsp macros.lisp
mv multmon.lsp multmon.lisp
mv operations.lsp operations.lisp
mv partpol.lsp partpol.lisp
mv permut.lsp permut.lisp
mv pui.lsp pui.lisp
mv resolcayley.lsp resolcayley.lisp
mv resolv1.lsp resolv1.lisp
mv schur.lsp schur.lisp
mv treillis.lsp treillis.lisp
mv tri.lsp tri.lisp
mv util.lsp util.lisp