--- Richard Fateman <fateman@cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> There is a (new) paper by an undergrad (and partly me)
> posted at
> http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~fateman/papers/lucyz.pdf
> which may fill part of the gap, at least a first cut
> at comparing the current offerings of texmacs, emaxima, xmaxima,
> symaxx. Corrections and Additional sections are welcome.
> regarding list of requirements,
> There are other interfaces, namely those that are included
> in the other M's.
> Mathematica Maple Macsyma Mupad Mathcad.
> the list of features could be gathered together from all of these.
One thing - Richard, I recall you wrote that Wolfram was initially a
little distrubed by your mma parser, but then they sort of lost
interest. If any of the commerical folks should think we are looking
too similar to them in whatever we wind up doing, will they get upset
again? I don't know why they would given the basic similarity of
pretty much every interface I've seen, but I figured I should at least
pose the question.
> I guess I have been arguing for the last few hours, that there
> is a downside to decoupling too much. Only the computation engine
> knows enough math to do certain delicate things. But with enough
> communication between front and back end, maybe we can still win.
It's definitely a fine line, but once we know the sticky points I think
we will be able to figure out something that works.
> dan.stanger@ieee.org wrote:
> > Has anyone written a list of requirements for this part of the
> project?
> > Or a list of available tools and their advantages or disadvantages?
> > Or a list of all the UI issues? Perhaps this would be a good place
> to
> > start. In any case, decoupling of the UI and the
> parsing/computation
> > should be done, with some well defined, OS independent, and
> windowing
> > system independent interface.
> > Perhaps the parsing and output should be decoupled from the
> computation also.
> > Dan Stanger
> > _______________________________________________
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