Why do we need gcl at all?

>>>>> "dan" == dan stanger <dan.stanger@ieee.org> writes:

    dan> which I thought was tk support, and then putting our time into cmucl
    dan> and making it work on more platforms?  clisp is a gpl'd product also,

Making CMUCL run on more platforms is an extremely difficult task.  It
involves describing every instruction of the architecture, figuring
out the assembly calling conventions, how you want assign registers,
and writing a ton of assembly code and then you're still not done
because you have to use an existing version to cross-compile to the

A very daunting task.

    dan> works on many more platforms than gcl.  Plus, it implements CLOS,
    dan> and many more features then gcl.

Gcl doesn't need any of those features for maxima.
