Maxima - how to build it on potato?

Greetings!  There is a maxima package for Debian.  I had to make quite
a few changes to get it going, but it is stable.  To compile on your
system into a .deb package, just do

fakeroot apt-get -q -b source maxima

Take care, writes:

> [This is an email copy of a Usenet posting to "linux.debian.user"]
> Hello-
> 	(I posted this on comp.lang.lisp too, because it may be a lisp-implementation problem regarding GCL).
> 	I'm trying to build the Maxima CAS (Computer Algebraic System) on the Debian GNU/Linux (potato), but I keep getting errors regarding the ./configure script. I installed Maxima-5.6 on my /usr/local directory.
> 	The error messages are:
> ${GCLDIR}/makedefs (/usr/bin/gcl/makedefs) not found.. so leaving blank..
> (cd ./src ; make )
> make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/usr/local/maxima-5.6/src'
> echo '(load "sysdef.lisp")' '(load "'/home/wfs/cvs/gcl'/lsp/sys-proclaim.lisp")' '(load "sys-proclaim.lisp")' '(proclaim (quote (optimize (safety 0) (speed 3) (space 0))))' '(setq *load-verbose* nil)'\
> '(proclaim (quote (optimize (safety 2) (speed 2) (space 2))))' \
> '(make::make :maxima-macros :compile t)' | /home/wfs/cvs/gcl/unixport/saved_gcl /home/wfs/cvs/gcl/unixport/
> make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/usr/local/maxima-5.6/src'
> inserting makedefs in ..
>  makefile,
>  ./configure: /usr/bin/bar/gcl/bin/files-sub: not a file
>  :mv :tmpx: file or archive not found
>  src/makefile,
>  ./configure: /usr/bin/bar/gcl/bin/files-sub: not a file
>  :mv :tmpx: file or archive not found
>  info/makefile,
>  ./configure: /usr/bin/bar/gcl/bin/files-sub: not a file
>  :mv :tmpx: file or archive not found
>  elisp/makefile,
>  ./configure: /usr/bin/bar/gcl/bin/files-sub: not a file
>  :mv :tmpx: file or archive not found
> 	My ./configure file looks like this:
> #!/bin/sh
> # edit next few lines 
> # GCLDIR should be where gcl was built, and the o/*.o lsp/*.o etc must be
> # there to link with maxima
> # I changed the lines bellow
> #GCLDIR=/home/wfs/cvs/gcl
> GCLDIR=/usr/bin/gcl 
> #GCLDIR=/usr/lib/gcl # does not work either!
> # the directory where this file is, and where you will build maxima
> # could use
> # EU mudei as linhas abaixo, conforme instrucoes
> #MAXDIR=/home/wfs/cvs/maxima
> #MAXDIR=`pwd`
> MAXDIR=/usr/local/maxima-5.6
> MAXDIR=`pwd`
> # where to put some maxima .el files
> #EMACS_SITE_LISP=/usr/local/lib/emacs/site-lisp
> EMACS_SITE_LISP=/usr/share/emacs/20.7/site-lisp
> # determines where to install
> # PREFIX_DIR=/usr/local puts things in /usr/local/lib/maxima-x.y
> # and /usr/local/bin
> PREFIX_DIR=/usr/local
> MAN_DIR=${PREFIX_DIR}/man/man1
> ##### end editing #########
> if [ -f ${GCLDIR}/makedefs ] ;then 
> cat ${GCLDIR}/makedefs > makedefs
> else echo > makedefs
> echo '${GCLDIR}/makedefs' "(${GCLDIR}/makedefs)" not found.. so leaving blank..
> fi
> echo GCLDIR=${GCLDIR} >>makedefs
> echo MAXDIR=${MAXDIR} >>makedefs
> echo PREFIX_DIR=${PREFIX_DIR} >>makedefs
> echo EMACS_SITE_LISP=${EMACS_SITE_LISP} >> makedefs
> echo INFO_DIR=${INFO_DIR} >> makedefs
> echo MAN_DIR=${MAN_DIR} >> makedefs
> echo '# end maxmakedefs' >> makedefs
> (cd ${GCLDIR}/bin ; make )
> echo inserting makedefs  in ..
> for v in makefile src/makefile info/makefile elisp/makefile 
>  do
>  echo " $v,"
>  ${GCLDIR}/bin/file-sub makedefs $v "# begin makedefs" '# end maxmakedefs' tmpx
>  mv tmpx $v
>  done
> 	It seems to be a problem regarding the GCL installation on Debian, that obviously differs from the default expected one. But I'm not sure this is the problem.
> 	Can you help me? I really need to use Maxima. For one thing, I just can't afford proprietary CAS like Mathematica and Maple. And besides, why not use Maxima?
> 	I've searched the Maxima mailing-list and linux.debian.user but couldn't find the answer.
> 	Thanks in advance,
> 	Regards,
> 	HL
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Camm Maguire	
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah