need help with defrule&apply's

Greetings to All!

I tried to use some table's defined rules for averaging of wave vectors.
The problem that apply1,2 or applyb1,2 reject to work if expression is consisted from
more than one wave vector together with others vectors or tensors. However, for expression consisted from pure k-vector's product everething is ok. Below is part of code.


DEFRULE (k1, k([i]), t*e([i])); 
DEFRULE (k2, k([i])*k([j]), D([i,j])*(1-t^2)/2-e([i])*e([j])*(1-3*t^2)/2);
DEFRULE (k3, k([i])*k([j])*k([l]),t*(1-t^2)/2*(D([i,j])*e([l])+D([i,l])*e([j])+D([l,j])*e([i]))
              + t/2*(3-5*t^2)*e([i])*e([j])*e([l]));
exp1 : -a*t*B([],[a])*gr([a])*k([i])+ a*t*B([],[n])*gr([],[m])*k([n])*k([i])*k([m])$
;;;; So apply1(exp1,k3,k1) dont work !
;;;; apply1(exp1,k1) work but result is wrong!
;;;; however apply1(k([n])*k([i])*k([m]),k3) works fine

The tensor for averaging can be quite huge. Whether I have to edit its expression and substitute all k-products by apply1(k([i])*k([j])*....., kn) or there is a way around?
The simple command apply1(exp1, kn,.....,k1) whoud be preferable.

Many thanks for any ideas and help 

All the best,