algsys bug and more

--- wrote:
> For the new year, my number one wish is a high-quality polynomial
> system solver for Maxima.
> First, I'll describe a bug I found in algsys and give a possible
> fix; second  I'll list the steps I've made at getting a new Maxima
> polynomial solver and ask for your advice.

> In an effort to get a better polynomial solver, I have:
> 1. Tried to use the Maxima grobner code; it wouldn't load.
> 2. I asked Gail Zacharias if she had grobner code that she could
> donate to Maxima.  She doesn't have a usable copy and doubts that
> she has the legal right to donate it.
> 3. I asked Dongming Wang if he had Macsyma code for his elimination
> method that he could donate.  He told me that some time ago
> he gave Macsyma Inc some advice on a Macsyma implementation but that
> he didn't have any Macsyma code.
> 4. Dan Stanger converted a Maple to MuPad translator to a Maple to
> Maxima translator. From the Maple share library, he translated
> a polynomial solver into 7,000 lines of Maxima.  I wrote a bit
> of supporting Lisp code for polynomial degree, etc. (My code
> is, I suspect, far from optimal; I don't know enough about CRE
> expressions to do these things efficiently.)
> Advice?

Well, I'm not really the one to respond to this, but...  Does the Maple
translator provide a better/more powerful system than fixing up the
current grobner code would?  Also, does it's license allow us to
distribute it with Maxima?  If so, I'd say that's worthwhile - even if
it's not the optimal solution, it might do until someone takes the time
to figure out how to write more efficient code.


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