Subject: tex bug and tex output for elliptic functions
From: Raymond Toy
Date: 10 Jan 2002 16:17:16 -0500
>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <> writes:
Richard> Probably you don't want the result to be $sn(u,m)$ which will look
Richard> like you are typesetting s*n(u,m). Maybe ${\rm sn}(u,m)$ ?
Yeah, that was a typo.
Richard> It may be possible to get the _ explicitly if you do $Jacobi\_Sn$
I'll poke around mactex and see where to fix this.
Richard> The way to appeal to standards is to look at the dlmf web site, where
Richard> NIST is coming up with a digital version of the previous standard
Richard> (Abramowitz and Stegun) for notation.
Is there anything there? I just get blank pages for the most part. I
chose the tex functions by the names given in A&S.