I sent similar e-mail like this.
but my e-mail adress is not available somehow.
So I send this again from another adress.
I have 2 questions.
I use xmaxima5.5 on Windows Me.
<closed form>
I wanted to use closedform()-function, but I couldn't.
I asked Maxima mailing list.
I got a reply and I could know how to use nusum().
So I can get a closed form of summation.
However I can't get a closed form of product.
I want to know how to get a closed form of product.
Please teach me.
<starting maxima with file>
I have one more question.
I want to start maxima with a file in which I wrote some maxima expressions.
I want maxima to do some expressions without my input.
Please teach me.
I'm sorry for my lack of my English ability.
I'll wait for replies.
Thank you.
Hiroyuki Tanaka