[Gcl-devel] Re: [Maxima] Maxima GUIs/emacs troubles! (and commutativity issues)

I've been following this thread with interest, as I too have been
annoyed that Maxima didn't have GNU Readline capabilities. Since none
of the early responses gave a solution or workaround I would be
comfortable with, I wrote the attached Perl script to act as a
Readline-aware front end for Maxima.

(Today's posts by Camm Maguire and James Amundson regarding gcl 2.5.0
are interesting and make me wonder whether gcl 2.4.0--the version I
used when building maxima--is also supposed to have Readline support.
I'll probably investigate this eventually, but for now my script
serves my needs.)

The script requires the following five Perl modules:


and, of course, you need the Readline library.

I have no doubt the script can be broken, and it's certainly not
elegant (you type 'qqq' to exit, for example), but it's been working
for me for a couple of days.

Mark Lawrence

Attached file: max