on share reorganization

I'm submitting to the public proposal on Maxima share
reorganization. The proposal has a form of script
attached to this e-mail message
(supposed to be run from /for59 directory).
This script

1) creates new subdirectories in share

2) scans old
share, mac, share1, share2, sharem, sym, tensor
directories and empties them by either removing
unnecessary files or moving them to a new location.

3) I remove - duplicate files (there are a lot of them)
and obvious junk like some strange logs etc.
Almost all lisp equivalents of  maxima .mac files
are moved into
directory. They can be easily recreated by translate_file.
Some other files are moved into
(it seems that these files have no value)
(mostly assorted pieces of packages which are not
available). If  everyone agree I suggest to delete these
three underscored directories.

4) Some other files are moved into
directory. I think that they may be ultimately
incorporated into documentation or deleted.


[ Vadim V. Zhytnikov  <vvzhy@mail.ru>  <vvzhy@td.lpi.ac.ru> ]

# Run this script in /for59 directory

# New share subdirectories
#   These directories will be ultimately emptied and deleted
#     it seems that files in this directory have no value
mkdir ../share/_trash
#     like previous but contains lisp files translated
#     from mac files. it seems that we do not need them
mkdir ../share/_lisp
#     we are not sure that to do with these file
mkdir ../share/_unknown
#     these files should be ultimately merged into documentation   
mkdir ../share/_to_doc

#   Real share subdirectories
# miscellaneous packages
mkdir ../share/misc
# algebra
mkdir ../share/algebra
# calculus
mkdir ../share/calculus
# combinatorics
mkdir ../share/combinatorics
# matrix and linear algebra 
mkdir ../share/matrix
# numeric computations
mkdir ../share/numeric
# differential equations
mkdir ../share/diffequations
# integral equatiins
mkdir ../share/integequations
# physics
mkdir ../share/physics
# vector
mkdir ../share/vector
# tensor
mkdir ../share/tensor
# specfunctions (numeric and symbolic)
mkdir ../share/specfunctions
# trigonometry
mkdir ../share/trigonometry
# integrals
mkdir ../share/integration
# utilities 
mkdir ../share/utils
# sym package
mkdir ../share/sym
# macro library (former sharem). maybe we should merge it with misc
mkdir ../share/macro
# various miscellaneous functions for expression
# manipulation and simplification
mkdir ../share/simplification
# graphics
mkdir ../share/graphics

cd ../share

# array is in the maxima core and .usg is in the info already  
mv array.usg       ../share/_trash/array.usg
# bessel is in the maxima core and .usg should go into documentation
mv bessel.usg	   ../share/_to_doc/bessel.usg
# cgamma is absent
mv cgamma.usg	   ../share/_unknown/cgamma.usg
# do not see any 
mv delcmp	   ../share/_trash/delcmp
# desoln.mac is in /mac directory and
# desoln.lisp is in src and .usg is already in documentation
rm desoln.mc	   
mv desoln.usg	   ../share/diffequations/desoln.usg
# it seems that code is incompete or broken
mv dump.mc	   ../share/misc/dump.lisp
mv dump.usg	   ../share/misc/dump.usg
# matrix
mv eigen.dem	   ../share/matrix/eigen.dem
mv eigen.dm1	   ../share/matrix/eigen_1.dem
mv eigeni.mc	   ../share/matrix/eigeni.mac
mv eigen.mc	   ../share/matrix/eigen.mac
mv eigen.usg	   ../share/matrix/eigen.usg
# look like some saved numeric data (arrays) 
mv elec.dat	   ../share/_trash/elec.dat
mv elec.plt	   ../share/_trash/elec.plt
# specfunctions or numeric
mv ellipt.mc	   ../share/specfunctions/ellipt.lisp
mv ellipt.usg	   ../share/specfunctions/ellipt.usg
# some example
mv fact.dft	   ../share/_unknown/fact.dft
# numeric
mv fft.dmo	   ../share/numeric/fft.dem
mv fft.mc	   ../share/numeric/fft.lisp
mv fft.usg	   ../share/numeric/fft.usg
cat fft.mil	>> ../share/numeric/fft.usg
rm fft.mil
# uitils
mv fileop.lsp	   ../share/utils/fileop.lisp
rm fileop.mc	 
mv fileop.usg	   ../share/utils/fileop.usg
# numeric 
mv forma1.lsp	   ../share/numeric/forma1.lisp
mv forma1.usg	   ../share/numeric/forma1.usg
mv format.mc	   ../share/numeric/format.lisp
mv format.usg	   ../share/numeric/format.usg
# simplification
mv functs.dem	   ../share/simplification/functs.dem
mv functs.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/functs.lisp
mv functs.mc	   ../share/simplification/functs.mac
mv functs.usg	   ../share/simplification/functs.usg
# physics
mv gamalg.lsp	   ../share/physics/gamalg.lisp
mv gam.dem	   ../share/physics/gamalg.dem
rm gam.mc	   
mv gam.usg	   ../share/physics/gamalg.usg
# algebra
mv gcdex.mc	   ../share/algebra/gcdex.mac
# algebra
mv grob1.lisp	   ../share/algebra/grob1.lisp
# matrix
mv matfun.mc	   ../share/matrix/matfun.mac
# numeric
mv newton.mac	   ../share/numeric/newton.mac
mv newton.mc	   ../share/numeric/newton1.mac
# incomplete file 
mv numer.dmo	   ../share/_trash/numer.dmo
# nusum.mac is in /mac and in /src directory  
rm nusum.mc	   
mv nusum.usg	   ../share/algebra/nusum.usg
# ode2.mac is in the /mac directory
mv ode2.usg	   ../share/diffequations/ode2.usg
# calculus
mv pade2.mc	   ../share/calculus/pade2.mac
# plot2 package is absent 
mv plot2.dmo	   ../share/_unknown/plot2.dmo
mv plot2.prm	   ../share/_unknown/plot2.prm
mv plot2.rch	   ../share/_unknown/plot2.rch
mv plot2.rcn	   ../share/_unknown/plot2.rcn
mv plot2.usg	   ../share/_unknown/plot2.usg
# calculus
mv qual.dmo	   ../share/calculus/qual.dem
mv qual.mc	   ../share/calculus/qual.mac
mv qualsp.lsp	   ../share/calculus/qualsp.lisp
rm qualsp.mc	   
mv qual.usg	   ../share/calculus/qual.usg
# matrix
mv rateig.mc	   ../share/matrix/rateig.mac
# it seems that result of recur.lisp on recur.dem
# differs from one given by recur.mac
# recur.tpt is the output of recur.dem
mv recur.dem	   ../share/algebra/recur.dem
mv recur.lsp	   ../share/algebra/recur.lisp
mv recur.mc	   ../share/algebra/recur.mac
mv recur.tpt	   ../share/algebra/recur.transcript
# numeric
mv riemsum.mc	   ../share/numeric/riemsum.mac
# rombrg is now in the maxima core
mv rombrg.dem	   ../demo/rombrg.dem
mv rombrg.usg	   ../share/_to_doc/rombrg.usg
# package is absent
mv series.usg	   ../share/_unknown/series.usg
# list of packages in share with short descriptions
# to be rewritten later
cat share.mc	>> ../share/share.usg 
rm share.mc
# numeric (two files are almost identical)
mv simpsn.dem	   ../share/numeric/simpsn.dem
rm simpsn.mcr	   
# specfunctions
mv specfun.mc	   ../share/specfunctions/specfun.mac
# calculus
mv taylor1.mac     ../share/calculus/taylor1.mac
# trgsmp now in maxima core
mv trgsmp.dmo	   ../demo/trgsmp.dem
mv trgsmp.mc	   ../share/_trash/trgsmp.mc
rm trgsmp.nls	   
rm trgsmp.usg	   
# package is absent
mv trgsum.usg	   ../share/_unknown/trgsum.usg
# trigonometry
mv trigrat.lisp    ../share/trigonometry/trigrat.lisp
# physics
mv units.mc	   ../share/physics/units.mac
mv units.usg	   ../share/physics/units.usg
# vector
mv vect.dem	   ../share/vector/vect.dem
mv vect.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/vect.lisp
mv vect.mc	   ../share/vector/vect.mac
mv vect.rth	   ../share/vector/vect_transform.mac
mv vect.usg	   ../share/vector/vect.usg
# graphics
mv world.mc       ../share/graphics/world.mac

cd ../share1

# simplification
mv absimp.dem	   ../share/simplification/absimp.dem
mv absimp.mc	   ../share/simplification/absimp.mac
mv absimp.usg	   ../share/simplification/absimp.usg
# specfunctions
mv ai.mc	   ../share/_trash/ai.mc
mv airy.lsp	   ../share/specfunctions/airy.lisp
mv airy.usg	   ../share/specfunctions/airy.usg
# is this a part of asymp package below ?
# maybe, but I'm not sure 
mv asympa.mc	   ../share/_unknown/asympa.mac
# asymp package is absent
mv asymp.dm1	   ../share/_unknown/asymp.dm1
mv asymp.dm2	   ../share/_unknown/asymp.dm2
mv asymp.dm3	   ../share/_unknown/asymp.dm3
mv asymp.dmo	   ../share/_unknown/asymp.dmo
mv asymp.dmt	   ../share/_unknown/asymp.dmt
mv asymp.usg	   ../share/_unknown/asymp.usg
# trigonometry
mv atrig1.mc	   ../share/trigonometry/atrig1.mac
mv atrig1.trl	   ../share/_lisp/atrig1.lisp
mv atrig1.usg	   ../share/trigonometry/atrig1.usg
# numeric
mv cfortr.dmo	   ../share/numeric/cfortr.dem
mv cfortr.lsp	   ../share/numeric/cfortr.lisp
mv cfortr.tst	   ../share/numeric/cfortr.tst
mv cfortr.usg	   ../share/numeric/cfortr.usg
# combinatorics
mv comgen.mc	   ../share/combinatorics/comgen.lisp
# numeric
mv dblint.dem	   ../share/numeric/dblint.dem
mv dblint.dm1	   ../share/numeric/dblint_1.dem
mv dblint.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/dblint.lisp
mv dblint.mc	   ../share/numeric/dblint.mac
mv dblint.usg	   ../share/numeric/dblint.usg
# misc
mv declin.dem	   ../share/misc/declin.dem
mv declin.mc	   ../share/misc/declin.mac
mv declin.usg	   ../share/misc/declin.usg
# integration
mv deleta.dmo	   ../share/integration/delta.dem
rm delta.dem	   
mv delta.mc	   ../share/integration/delta.mac
mv delta.usg	   ../share/integration/delta.usg
# matrix
mv determ.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/determ.lisp
mv determ.mc	   ../share/matrix/determ.mac
mv determ.usg	   ../share/matrix/determ.usg
# misc
mv diffop.lsp	   ../share/misc/diffop.lisp
rm diffop.mc	   
# physics
mv dimen.dem	   ../share/physics/dimen.dem
mv dimen.mc	   ../share/physics/dimen.mac
mv dimen.usg	   ../share/physics/dimen.usg
# elim.mac is in /mac and elim.lisp is in maxima core
mv elim.LISP	   ../share/_lisp/elim.LISP
mv elim.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/elim.lisp
rm elim.mc	   
rm elim.UNLISP     
mv elim.usg	   ../share/simplification/elim.usg
# part of lode2
mv exampl.mc	   ../share/diffequations/exampl.mac
# numeric
mv expense.lsp     ../share/numeric/expense.lisp
# simplification
mv facex1.mc	   ../share/simplification/facex1.mac
mv facexp.dmo	   ../share/simplification/facexp.dem
mv facexp.mc	   ../share/simplification/facexp.mac
mv facexp.usg	   ../share/simplification/facexp.usg
# misc
rm foptim.lsp	   
mv foptim.mc	   ../share/misc/foptim.lisp
# calculus  
mv fourie.dmo	   ../share/calculus/fourie.dem
mv fourie.LISP     ../share/_lisp/fourie.LISP
mv fourie.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/fourie.lisp
mv fourie.mc	   ../share/calculus/fourie.mac
rm fourie.UNLISP   
mv fourie.usg	   ../share/calculus/fourie.usg
# specfunctions
mv gamma.mc	   ../share/specfunctions/gamma.mac
# hypgeo is in src dir and usg is already in
# documentation
mv hypgeo.dmo	   ../demo/hypgeo.dem
rm hypgeo.usg	   
# simplification
mv ineq.dmo	   ../share/simplification/ineq.dem
mv ineq.mc	   ../share/simplification/ineq.mac
mv ineq.usg	   ../share/simplification/ineq.usg
# integequations
mv inteqn.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/inteqn.lisp
mv inteqn.mc	   ../share/integequations/inteqn.mac
mv inteqn.usg	   ../share/integequations/inteqn.usg
mv intexs.mc	   ../share/integequations/intexs.mac
# intpol is in the maxima core (/src)
# and usg is in documentation already
rm intpol.usg	   
# integration
mv intsce.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/intsce.lisp
mv intsce.mc	   ../share/integration/intsce.mac
mv intsce.usg	   ../share/integration/intsce.usg
# invert is in maxima core (/src)
mv invert.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/invert.lisp
rm invert.mc	   
mv invert.usg	   ../share/matrix/invert.usg
# numeric
mv kach.dem	   ../share/numeric/kach.dem
mv kach.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/kach.lisp
mv kach.mc	   ../share/numeric/kach.mac
# matrix
mv nchrpl.dem	   ../share/matrix/nchrpl.dem
mv nchrpl.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/nchrpl.lisp
mv nchrpl.mc	   ../share/matrix/nchrpl.mac
# trigonometry
mv ntrig.LISP	   ../share/_lisp/ntrig.LISP
mv ntrig.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/ntrig.lisp
mv ntrig.mc	   ../share/trigonometry/ntrig.mac
mv ntrig.trl	   ../share/_lisp/ntrig.trl
rm ntrig.UNLISP    
mv ntrig.usg	   ../share/trigonometry/ntrig.usg
# part of lode2
mv pdvtr.mc	   ../share/diffequations/pdvtr.mac
# combinatorics
mv permut.lsp	   ../share/combinatorics/permut.lisp
rm permut.mc	   
# parts of lode2
mv phypgm.mc	   ../share/diffequations/phypgm.mac
mv pivtr.mc	   ../share/diffequations/pivtr.mac
mv pmain.mc	   ../share/diffequations/pmain.mac
# numeric
mv qq.dem	   ../share/numeric/qq.dem
mv qq.lsp	   ../share/numeric/qq.lisp
mv qq.usg	   ../share/numeric/qq.usg
# simplification
mv rducon.dmo	   ../share/simplification/rducon.dem
mv rducon.lsp	   ../share/simplification/rducon.lisp
mv rducon.usg	   ../share/simplification/rducon.usg
# simplification
mv rncomb.dem	   ../share/simplification/rncomb.dem
mv rncomb.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/rncomb.lisp
mv rncomb.mc	   ../share/simplification/rncomb.mac
mv rncomb.usg	   ../share/simplification/rncomb.usg
# simplification
mv scifac.dmo	   ../share/simplification/scifac.dem
mv scifac.lsp	   ../share/simplification/scifac.lisp
mv scifac.usg	   ../share/simplification/scifac.usg
# misc
mv seqopt.dmo	   ../share/misc/seqopt.dem
mv seqopt.lsp	   ../share/misc/seqopt.lisp
mv seqopt.usg	   ../share/misc/seqopt.usg
# absent
mv sets.dmo	   ../share/_unknown/sets.dmo
mv sets.usg	   ../share/_unknown/sets.usg
# trigonometry
mv spangl.mcs	   ../share/trigonometry/spangl.mac
mv spangl.usg	   ../share/trigonometry/spangl.usg
# simplification
mv stopex.dmo	   ../share/simplification/stopex.dem
mv stopex.mc	   ../share/simplification/stopex.mac
mv stopex.usg	   ../share/simplification/stopex.usg
# the package is in maxima core
# and usg is already in the documentation
mv sumcon.dmo	   ../demo/sumcon.dem
rm sumcon.tpt	   
rm sumcon.usg	   

cd ../share2

# integration
mv antid.dmo	   ../share/integration/antid.dem
mv antid.mc	   ../share/integration/antid.mac
mv antid.usg	   ../share/integration/antid.usg
# misc
mv arrfun.mc	   ../share/misc/arrfun.mac
# utils
mv batch.dmc	   ../share/utils/batch.transcript
mv batch.dmo	   ../share/utils/batch.dem
mv batch.mc	   ../share/utils/batch.mac
rm batch.tpt	   
mv batch.usg	   ../share/utils/batch.usg
# numeric
mv bfac.bzt	   ../share/_trash/bfac.bzt
mv bfac.usg	   ../share/_trash/bfac.usg
mv bffac.bfz	   ../share/_trash/bffac.bfz
mv bffac.lsp	   ../share/numeric/bffac.lisp
mv bffac.usg	   ../share/numeric/bffac.usg
# numeric
mv brmbrg.lsp	   ../share/numeric/brmbrg.lisp
mv brmbrg.usg	   ../share/numeric/brmbrg.usg
# integration
mv bypart.mc	   ../share/integration/bypart.mac
# calculus
mv cartan.dem	   ../share/calculus/cartan.dem
mv cartan.lsp	   ../share/calculus/cartan.lisp
rm cartan.str	   
# numeric
mv diffeq.dem	   ../share/numeric/diffeq.dem
mv diffeq.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/diffeq.lisp
mv diffeq.mc	   ../share/numeric/diffeq.mac
# algebra
mv differ.dem	   ../share/algebra/differ.dem
mv differ.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/differ.lisp
mv differ.mc	   ../share/algebra/differ.mac
# absent
mv difsol.usg	   ../share/_unknown/difsol.usg
# simplification
mv disol.dmo	   ../share/simplification/disol.dem
mv disol.mc	   ../share/simplification/disol.mac
rm disol.nls	   
mv disol.trl	   ../share/_lisp/disol.lisp
mv disol.usg	   ../share/simplification/disol.usg
# misc
mv disran.lsp	   ../share/misc/disran.lisp
mv disran.usg	   ../share/misc/disran.usg
# utils
mv dskuse.mc	   ../share/utils/dskuse.lisp
mv dskuse.usg	   ../share/utils/dskuse.usg
cat dskuse.tpt	>> ../share/utils/dskuse.usg
rm dskuse.tpt
# physics
mv elec.lsp	   ../share/physics/elec.lisp
rm elec.mc	   
# it should go to utils
# but I think it is comletely obsolate
mv fido.mc	   ../share/_trash/fido.lisp
mv fido.usg	   ../share/_trash/fido.usg
mv fortra.tco	   ../share/_trash/fortra.tco
# physics
# all pairs differ just by several empty lines
# so one can be safely removed
mv gam5.lsp	   ../share/physics/gam5.lisp
rm gam5.mc	   
mv gamchi.lsp	   ../share/physics/gamchi.lisp
rm gamchi.mc	   
mv gamcon.lsp	   ../share/physics/gamcon.lisp
rm gamcon.mc	   
mv gamgfi.lsp	   ../share/physics/gamgfi.lisp
rm gamgfi.mc	   
mv gamkah.lsp	   ../share/physics/gamkah.lisp
rm gamkah.mc	   
mv gammtr.lsp	   ../share/physics/gammtr.lisp
rm gammtr.mc	   
mv gamnoc.lsp	   ../share/physics/gamnoc.lisp
rm gamnoc.mc	   
mv gamsq.lsp	   ../share/physics/gamsq.lisp
rm gamsq.mc	   
# obsolate
mv gcdemn.usg	   ../share/_trash/gcdemn.usg
# calculus
mv gendif.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/gendif.lisp
mv gendif.mc	   ../share/calculus/gendif.mac
mv gendif.usg	   ../share/calculus/gendif.usg
cat gendif.bgs	>> ../share/calculus/gendif.usg
rm gendif.bgs	
mv ht.dft	   ../share/_trash/ht.dft
# specfunctions
mv kn.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/kn.lisp
mv kn.mc	   ../share/specfunctions/kn.mac
mv kn.trl	   ../share/_lisp/kn.trl
# diffequations
mv linde1.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/linde1.lisp
mv linde1.mc	   ../share/diffequations/linde1.mc
# simplification
mv lrats.dem	   ../share/simplification/lrats.dem
mv lrats.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/lrats.lisp
mv lrats.mc	   ../share/simplification/lrats.mac
mv lrats.usg	   ../share/simplification/lrats.usg
# absent
mv ndiffq.dem	   ../share/_unknown/ndiffq.dem
mv ndiffq.dmp	   ../share/_unknown/ndiffq.dmp
mv ndiffq.usg	   ../share/_unknown/ndiffq.usg
# calculus
mv optmiz.dem	   ../share/calculus/optmiz.dem
mv optmiz.dm1	   ../share/calculus/optmiz_1.dem
mv optmiz.dm2	   ../share/calculus/optmiz_2.dem
mv optmiz.dm3	   ../share/calculus/optmiz_3.dem
mv optmiz.dm4	   ../share/calculus/optmiz_4.dem
mv optmiz.mc	   ../share/calculus/optmiz.mac
mv optmiz.tpt	   ../share/calculus/optmiz.transcript
mv optmiz.usg	   ../share/calculus/optmiz.usg
# calculus
mv optvar.dem	   ../share/calculus/optvar.dem
mv optvar.dm1	   ../share/calculus/optvar_1.dem
mv optvar.dm2	   ../share/calculus/optvar_2.dem
mv optvar.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/optvar.lisp
mv optvar.mc	   ../share/calculus/optvar.mac
mv optvar.tpt	   ../share/calculus/optvar.transcript
mv optvar.usg	   ../share/calculus/optvar.usg
# matrix
mv pfaff.dem	   ../share/matrix/pfaff.dem
mv pfaff.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/pfaff.lisp
mv pfaff.mc	   ../share/matrix/pfaff.mac
mv pfaff.usg	   ../share/matrix/pfaff.usg
# absent
mv polsol.usg	   ../share/_unknown/polsol.usg
mv powers.usg	   ../share/_unknown/powers.usg
mv prrid.usg	   ../share/_unknown/prrid.usg
# calculus
mv revert.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/revert.lisp
mv revert.mc	   ../share/calculus/revert.mac
mv revert.trl	   ../share/_lisp/revert.trl
mv revert.usg	   ../share/calculus/revert.usg
# misc
mv set.lsp	   ../share/misc/set.lisp
mv set.usg	   ../share/misc/set.usg
# numeric
mv simpsn.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/simpsn.lisp
mv simpsn.mc	   ../share/numeric/simpsn.mac
# misc
mv smacro.mc	   ../share/misc/smacro.mac
# simplification
mv sqdnst.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/sqdnst.lisp
mv sqdnst.mc	   ../share/simplification/sqdnst.mac
mv sqdnst.mcs	   ../share/_trash/sqdnst.mcs
mv sqdnst.usg	   ../share/simplification/sqdnst.usg
# this is in maxima core
rm sublis.nfo	   
# numeric
mv submac.dmo	   ../share/numeric/submac.dem
mv submac.mc	   ../share/numeric/submac.mac
mv submac.snt	   ../share/_lisp/submac.snt
mv submac.trl	   ../share/_lisp/submac.trl
mv timer.usg	   ../share/_trash/timer.usg
# vector
mv vector.dmo	   ../share/vector/vector.dem
mv vector.mc	   ../share/vector/vector.mac
mv vector.usg	   ../share/vector/vector.usg

cd ../sharem

# this is so called macro library
# we reserve for it special share/macro directory
mv autolo.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/autolo.lisp
mv autolo.mc	   ../share/macro/autolo.mac
rm autolo.txt	   
rm autolo.ulp	   
mv basic.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/basic.lisp
mv basic.mc	   ../share/macro/basic.mac
rm basic.txt	   
rm basic.ulp	   
mv caseq.mc	   ../share/macro/caseq.mac
# useless
rm clean.xfl	   
mv contrl.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/contrl.lisp
mv contrl.mc	   ../share/macro/contrl.mac
rm contrl.txt	   
rm contrl.ulp	   
mv defm.dmo	   ../share/macro/defm.dem
mv defm.mc	   ../share/macro/defm.mac
mv defm.snt	   ../share/macro/defm.syn
rm defm.txt	   
mv defstm.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/defstm.lisp
mv defstm.mc	   ../share/macro/defstm.mac
rm defstm.ulp      
mv defstmrun.lsp   ../share/_lisp/defstmrun.lisp
mv defstmrun.mc    ../share/macro/defstmrun.mac
rm defstmrun.ulp   
mv fexpr.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/fexpr.lisp
mv fexpr.mc	   ../share/macro/fexpr.mac
rm fexpr.txt	   
rm fexpr.ulp	   
mv keyarg.dmo      ../share/macro/keyarg.dem
mv keyarg.lsp      ../share/_lisp/keyarg.lisp
mv keyarg.mc	   ../share/macro/keyarg.mac
rm keyarg.txt      
rm keyarg.ulp      
mv packg.lsp	   ../share/_lisp/packg.lisp
mv packg.mc	   ../share/macro/packg.mac
rm packg.txt	   
rm packg.ulp	   
# macro
mv sum1.mc	   ../share/macro/sum1.mac
rm sum1.txt	   
# documentation
mv transl.hnt      ../share/_to_doc/translation_hints.txt

cd ../sym

# simple .lsp -> .lisp renaming certainly brake 
# the package. We are foing to fix filer names
for v in *
  cat $v | sed -e 's:.lsp:.lisp:g' > foo
  rm -r $v
  mv foo $v
mv arite.lsp	   ../share/sym/arite.lisp
mv chbase.lsp	   ../share/sym/chbase.lisp
mv compile.lsp     ../share/sym/compile.lisp
mv direct.lsp	   ../share/sym/direct.lisp
mv doconline	   ../share/sym/doconline
mv docsymidx.tex   ../share/sym/docsymidx.tex
mv docsym.tex	   ../share/sym/docsym.tex
mv ecrivain.lsp    ../share/sym/ecrivain.lisp
mv elem.lsp	   ../share/sym/elem.lisp
mv kak.lsp	   ../share/sym/kak.lisp
mv lecteur.lsp     ../share/sym/lecteur.lisp
mv macros.lsp	   ../share/sym/macros.lisp
mv makefile	   ../share/sym/makefile
mv multmon.lsp     ../share/sym/multmon.lisp
mv operations.lsp  ../share/sym/operations.lisp
mv partpol.lsp     ../share/sym/partpol.lisp
mv permut.lsp	   ../share/sym/permut.lisp
mv pui.lsp	   ../share/sym/pui.lisp
mv resolcayley.lsp ../share/sym/resolcayley.lisp
mv resolv1.lsp     ../share/sym/resolv1.lisp
mv resolvante.mac  ../share/sym/resolvante.mac
mv schur.lsp	   ../share/sym/schur.lisp
mv sym1.mac	   ../share/sym/sym1.mac
mv sym.mac	   ../share/sym/sym.mac
mv treillis.lsp    ../share/sym/treillis.lisp
mv tri.lsp	   ../share/sym/tri.lisp
mv util.lsp	   ../share/sym/util.lisp

cd ../tensor

# some files in this directory has nothing to
# do with tensor
mv aaricc.bsc	   ../share/tensor/aaricc_bsc.mac
mv aaricc.spl	   ../share/tensor/aaricc_spl.mac
mv aaricc.txt	   ../share/tensor/aaricc.mac
mv aatest.txt	   ../share/tensor/aatest.mac
rm a.bad	   
mv ademo2.blk	   ../share/tensor/ademo2.dem
mv ademo.blk	   ../share/tensor/ademo.dem
rm ainfo.tns	   
mv ajpff.txt	   ../share/tensor/ajpff.mac
mv a.mcs	   ../share/_trash/a.mcs
mv a.mtn	   ../share/tensor/motion.mac
mv anew.add	   ../share/tensor/anew_add.mac
mv anew.txt	   ../share/tensor/anew.mac
mv a.ppr	   ../share/tensor/birkhoff.txt
mv a.rsn	   ../share/tensor/rsn.mac
mv brans.bmb	   ../share/tensor/brans_bmb.mac
mv brans.vcm	   ../share/tensor/brans_vacuum.mac
mv brbirk.prg	   ../share/tensor/brbirk.mac
mv brchre.txt	   ../share/_to_doc/brchre.txt
mv canten.lisp     ../share/tensor/canten.lisp
rm cover.doc	   
mv ctenso.dm1	   ../share/tensor/ctenso_1.dem
mv ctenso.dm2	   ../share/tensor/ctenso_2.dem
mv ctenso.dm3	   ../share/tensor/ctenso_3.dem
mv ctenso.dm4	   ../share/tensor/ctenso_4.dem
mv ctensr.mac	   ../share/tensor/ctensr.mac
mv ctensr.trl	   ../share/_lisp/ctensr.trl

# this has nothing to do with tensor
mv demo.txt	   ../demo/demo.dem
mv eaton1.txt	   ../demo/eaton1.dem
mv eaton2.txt	   ../demo/eaton2.dem

mv gener.lisp	   ../share/tensor/gener.lisp
mv infot.mil	   ../share/tensor/info-tensor.txt
mv itensor.lisp    ../share/tensor/itensor.lisp	
mv jpff.fls	   ../share/tensor/jpff.mac
mv manual.txt	   ../share/tensor/manual.txt
mv metric.fil	   ../share/tensor/metrics.mac
mv mmans.hrr	   ../share/tensor/mmans.mac
mv mmans.run	   ../share/tensor/mmans_run.mac
mv petrov.fnc	   ../share/tensor/petrov.mac
mv ricci2.prg	   ../share/tensor/ricci2.mac
mv rieman.nvr	   ../share/_trash/rieman.nvr
mv symtry.lisp	   ../share/tensor/symtry.lisp
mv tensor.doc	   ../share/tensor/tensor-doc.txt
mv tensor.rml	   ../share/tensor/info-tensor-2.txt
mv test1.add	   ../share/tensor/test1.mac

#cd ../demo

#array.dem	   array.dem
#cf.dem	           cf.dem
#ezgcd.dem	   ezgcd.dem
#macex.dem	   macex.dem
#macro.dem	   macro.dem
#newfac.dem	   newfac.dem
#subscr.dem	   subscr.dem

cd ../mac

mv abel.mac	   ../share/diffequations/abel.mac
mv desoln.mac	   ../share/diffequations/desoln.mac
mv elim.mac	   ../share/simplification/elim.mac
mv invert.mac	   ../share/matrix/invert.mac
mv nusum.mac	   ../share/algebra/nusum.mac
mv ode2.mac	   ../share/diffequations/ode2.mac
mv odeaux.mac	   ../share/diffequations/odeaux.mac