ANother plot2d bug - can't plot limit sin(x)/x=1 when x->0

synthespian writes:
 > Hi-
 >  I can't do:
 > (C1) f2(x):=(sin(x)/x,x,1);
 > (C2) plot2d(f2(x),[x,-1,1]);
 >  Note that:
 >  x (rad)	y=sin(x)/x
 > +/- 1.0		0.84147
 >     0.9		0.87036
 >     0.8		0.89670
 >     0.7		0.92031
 >     0.5		0.94107
 >     0.4		0.95885
 >     0.3		0.97365
 >     0.2		0.98507
 >     0.1		0.99335
 >     0.01	0.99998
 >  What's plotted has a 90 degrees angle! I mean, really!
 >  (And I begin to wonder if xmaxima will help me pass my Calculus
 > class...)
 >  What's with plot2d?? What was the _last version_ when it was

Maxima 5.5 with gcl 2.3.8  seems to working OK. I get a fine plot:

(C12) f2(x):=sin(x)/x;

(D12)                           f2(x) := ------
(C13) plot2d(f2(x),[x,-1,1]);

Why did you use  
instead of what I have above?
