Maxima (cvs) fails to evaluate some limits arbitrarily
Subject: Maxima (cvs) fails to evaluate some limits arbitrarily
From: Daniel Lemire
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 15:02:31 -0500
Hash: SHA1
Done. Even though increasing the default wouldn't necessarily help that much
in my mind. It would still be finite. What you really, really need is a
warning that Maxima gave up and maybe some clue as to how you can force
maxima to continue. Of course, as Richard pointed out, something might be
tried if l'Hospital failed... but that seems more work than simply adding a
warning? And beside, is there an algorithm to know when you should give up on
l'Hospital rule??? I am sure there is... but would it help?
I've filed the bug with your comments and those from Richard.
Since I don't know anything about lisp, there is very little I can do beside
filing reports... I hope it helps, eventually. At least, it is nice to have
these things on sourceforge so that bored developpers can use it as a
checklist! As long as VA Software remains in business, they are very helpful!
> On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 11:27, Daniel Lemire wrote:
> > Hmmm... wouldn't it be nicer if there was some warning message telling us
> > "I stopped, but by changing this variable you could maybe get me to
> > evaluate the limit in full"...?
> >
> > This gives the wrong impression... like "oh! Maxima can't solve that!".
> I agree. It also might be a good idea to increase the default value.
> Computers are bigger and stronger now.
> Please file a bug.
> --Jim
> P.S. You have filed more bugs reports in the bug system than any other
> person. They are very helpful. Thanks.
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