Maxima (cvs) fails to evaluate some limits arbitrarily
Subject: Maxima (cvs) fails to evaluate some limits arbitrarily
From: James Amundson
Date: 26 Mar 2002 13:25:22 -0600
By "I agree," I meant "I agree that Maxima should tell you that it
failed to find a limit because it exceeded an adjustable limit. It
should also tell you how to adjust it."
On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 14:02, Daniel Lemire wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Done. Even though increasing the default wouldn't necessarily help that much
> in my mind. It would still be finite. What you really, really need is a
> warning that Maxima gave up and maybe some clue as to how you can force
> maxima to continue. Of course, as Richard pointed out, something might be
> tried if l'Hospital failed... but that seems more work than simply adding a
> warning? And beside, is there an algorithm to know when you should give up on
> l'Hospital rule??? I am sure there is... but would it help?