Fwd: free computer algebra systems

Sorry, I did'nt send the answer to the Maxima list... 

-----FW: <XFMail.20020403185458.daniel.duparc@free.fr>-----

Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 18:54:58 +0200 (CEST)
Sender: daniel@free.fr
From: Daniel Duparc <daniel.duparc at free>
To: amundson@fnal.gov
Subject: free computer algebra systems
Cc: Bernard.Mourrain@sophia.inria.fr, Bernard.Parisse@ujf-grenoble.fr,
 bernard.perrot@univ-rennes1.fr, daniel.duparc@free.fr,
 Fabrice.Rouillier@lip6.fr, Marie-Francoise.Roy@univ-rennes1.fr,
 nthiery@users.sourceforge.net, Paul.Zimmermann@loria.fr

On 03 Apr 2002 09:03:22 -0600
James Amundson <amundson@fnal.gov> wrote:

> Hi,
> I read the summary of the calcul-formel-libre@math.cnrs.fr mailing list.
> I also skimmed some of the messages in the archive. My French is pretty
> poor, 

so is my English...

> so I feel like I must be missing something. What exactly is the
> point of this effort? 

There was no clear way to obtain any result by the discussion in this 
list. In order to get at least a true snapshot of the situation,
Marie-Francoise Roy proposed the constitution of a small committee
to organize the meeting of several persons involved in the free
(or semi free ;o) computer algebra.  

> I see quite a bit of discussion of the limitations
> of existing commercial systems, but not much attention to existing free
> systems. I couldn't find any references to Maxima on the list at all. Is
> the goal exclusively to create a new system?

Yes, there is no reference to Maxima in the list but I (and others)
spoke of Maxima in the small committee. I asked for your invitation 
or the invitation of somebody helping you, but we had severe 
limitations in money.
At that time, we invited Mrs Valibouze, a French researcher, who was 
involved _several years ago_ in the development of Maxima. 
This is not too severe a problem at that time, since we mainly
hope to obtain a good view of the present situation.
But we all know your magnificent efforts to give a new life
to Maxima. And all options are possible.

Best regards.
Daniel Duparc <daniel.duparc@free.fr>
29 av. de la Commune de Paris
94400 Vitry sur Seine (France)

--------------End of forwarded message-------------------------

Daniel Duparc <daniel.duparc@free.fr>
29 av. de la Commune de Paris
94400 Vitry sur Seine (France)