Re: free computer algebra systems

On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 10:54, Daniel Duparc wrote:

> Yes, there is no reference to Maxima in the list but I (and others)
> spoke of Maxima in the small committee. I asked for your invitation 
> or the invitation of somebody helping you, but we had severe 
> limitations in money.
> At that time, we invited Mrs Valibouze, a French researcher, who was 
> involved _several years ago_ in the development of Maxima. 
> This is not too severe a problem at that time, since we mainly
> hope to obtain a good view of the present situation.
> But we all know your magnificent efforts to give a new life
> to Maxima. And all options are possible.

I think there are several questions to consider. Certainly, the
theoretical foundation of Maxima is of importance to you. I hope that
Mme. Valibouze will be able to give you an overview of that.
Unfortunately, I am not acquainted with Mme. Valibouze. (Is she even on
the Maxima mailing list?) Another question is the state of the code
itself, development plans, etc. I could probably give you some sort of
summary of that if you would like.

Of course, I would like to see more contributors to Maxima. It sounds
like your project has the potential to make a large contribution to
Maxima. Should your project decide to go in another direction, however,
I still think there are many ways in which the Maxima project could
collaborate with yours in ways that would be mutually beneficial. I hope
we will be able to collaborate in one way or another in the future.
