Problem with integration

In macsyma there is another integrator to deal with transcendental functions
 (C1) risch(3^log(x),x);
				       LOG(3) LOG(x)
				   x %E
 (D1) 				   -----------------
				      LOG(3) + 1
So, it's correct. However differentiation gives a delta
(C2) diff(%);
			     LOG(3) LOG(x)     LOG(3) LOG(x)
		    LOG(3) %E		     %E
(D2) 		   (---------------------- + ---------------) DEL(x)
			  LOG(3) + 1	       LOG(3) + 1
(C3) factor(%);
				   LOG(3) LOG(x)
(D3) 				 %E	         DEL(x)


On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 12:36:22 -0800 (PST)
C Y <> wrote:

> I've run into a problem with the Maxima integration ability.  I tried
> to integrate 3^log(x), and according to both hand and mathematica
> calculations the answer should be (x*3^log(x))/(1+log(3)).  Maxima,
> however, gives 3^(2*log(x))/(2*log(3)).  Here is a simple test to show
> the problem:
> (C1) c:3^log(x);
>                                      LOG(x)
> (D1)                                3
> (C2) diff(integrate(c,x),x);
>                                     2 LOG(x)
>                                    3
> (D2)                               ---------
>                                        x
> CY