Question about independance WRT sums

When experimenting with sums, I came across the following series
of results:

(C1) simpsum:true;

(D1) 				     TRUE
(C2) sum(i, i, 1, n);

				    n  + n
(D2) 				    ------
(C3) sum( 2 . i, i, 1, n);

(D3) 				    n  + n
(C4) sum( k. i, i, 1, n);

(D4) 				  >    (k . i)
				 i = 1

I first expected Maxima to come back with k( n^2 + n) / 2 or
some equivalent form.

I assume that Maxima isn't making the simplification because
it doesn't make the assumption that k is indpendant of
Is my interpretation accurate?  If so, is there some way I can tell maxima
that k is indeed independant of i and have it make the appropriate

Would it make more sense to assume independence by default? Mathematica
did in the same situation IIRC.

Robert Merkel	                 

Go You Big Red Fire Engine
-- Unknown Audience Member at Adam Hills standup gig