Re: Query about Downloading and Running Debian maxima on a Mac G4 running OS X

I made a fink package for OS X out of the 5.9pre tarball a while ago. 
It's buggy under certain window systems, but works. Fink is a 
debian-like package management system for OS X. Once you have installed 
fink, you install maxima by doing "fink install maxima".  Go to for details (I mentioned all this on this 
list a while ago).

Or, you could wait for the official 5.9 release. I have compiled the 
5.9.0rc1-1 successfully on OS X 10.2, and it works almost perfectly 
(still some strange behaviour under the OroborOSX window manager, but 
works fine under icewm with XDarwin, for example). When the official 
release is made, I'll updgrade the fink package.

		Bill McCallum

On Saturday, September 7, 2002, at 05:52  AM, Michel Dänzer wrote:

> On Fre, 2002-09-06 at 09:18, Laurence I. Gould wrote:
>> I've been a Macsyma user for years but, as far as I know, Debian 
>> maxima is
>> the only version of that software package that's now available.
>> Is there anyone out there who has downloaded and run Debian maxima on 
>> a Mac
>> G4 running OS X?  If so I would be grateful to know details of how it 
>> can
>> be done. (I would also be grateful for any suggestions.)
> Not sure what you mean - you can run Debian GNU/Linux on any G4 Mac, 
> but
> you can't run the Debian version of Maxima in OS X. Maybe Maxima could
> be ported to OS X relatively easy though.
> -- 
> Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) 
> developer
> XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software 
> enthusiast
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