Xmaxima on Mac OS X

On Friday, April 12, 2002, at 07:09 AM, James Amundson wrote:

> On Thu, 2002-04-11 at 21:49, Justin C. Walker wrote:
>>     /sw/lib/clisp/base/lisp.run: operating system error during load of
>> initialisation file `/SandBox/sb/src/Maxima/maxima-
>> pre59/src/maxima-clisp.mem'
>> and there is, in fact, no such animal.  Any thoughts on what next?
> As I said in my previous reply, xmaxima is known not to work. Since my
> previous message had no effect, I will elaborate: The command line
> interface to maxima has completely changed. The layout of the installed
> files has also completely changed. There has no effort yet to modify
> xmaxima to reflect these changes, but it is next on the list of things
> to do.

Thanks for hammering the point home.  I was distracted by other comments 
that the problem lay elsewhere, but clearly, xmaxima and maxima are out 
of sync.

> If someone wants to volunteer to make the changes before I can get to
> them, please let me know. However, there are several things that need to
> be considered that won't be obvious simply by getting it to work with
> one lisp on one platform, so we'll have to talk about it.

Don't know if I'll have the bandwidth to tackle it right now, but if I 
find taxes too taxing, I may be in touch :-}.

Thanks for the clarity.



Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large  *
Institute for General Semantics        | It's not whether you win or 
                                        |  It's whether *I* win or lose.