Bug? in desolve

Jürgen Tischer <jtischer@emcali.net.co> writes:

> jt@Bachue:~$ maxima
> Maxima 5.9.0pre-cvs (with enhancements by W. Schelter).
> Licensed under the GNU Public License (see file COPYING)
> (C1) desolve(diff(y(x),x)=(y(x)+x)^2,y(x));
>                          3    d
> (D1) y(x) = ILT(- (2 LVAR  (----- (LAPLACE(y(x), x, LVAR)))
>                             dLVAR
>                     3          2                         3          4
>               - LVAR  LAPLACE(y (x), x, LVAR) - y(0) LVAR  - 2)/LVAR , LVAR, 
> x)
> --------------------------------------
> Now is this a bug? Or one of those subtle wisdoms of a cas?

More of one of those subtle limitations of desolve.
Desolve uses the LaPlace transform to solve odes, so it really only
works well for linear odes.
