Subject: Help on syntax: cubes, 4th, 5th roots, etc.
From: Robert Graham Merkel
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 13:14:49 +1000
On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 09:23:48PM -0300, synthespian wrote:
> Hello-
> Couldn't find it in the documentation: how do I write:
> cubic root
> 4th root
> 5th root, etc
The cube root of x is equal to x raised to the
power of 1/3 (in maxima notation (x^(1/3)).
Similarly, the 4th root of x is (x^(1/4)) the 5th root (x^(1/5)),
and so on.
>From Maxima itself:
(C6) solve(x^3 = y, x);
1/3 1/3
(SQRT(3) %I - 1) y (SQRT(3) %I + 1) y 1/3
(D6) [x = ---------------------, x = - ---------------------, x = y ]
2 2
The first two solutions are complex solutions (if you haven't done complex
numbers don't worry about them), but the last one shows the result.
Robert Merkel
Go You Big Red Fire Engine
-- Unknown Audience Member at Adam Hills standup gig