Help on syntax: cubes, 4th, 5th roots, etc.

On Thu, 2 May 2002 13:14:49 +1000
Robert Graham Merkel <> wrote:

>On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 09:23:48PM -0300, synthespian wrote:
>> Hello-
>> 	Couldn't find it in the documentation: how do I write:
>> 	cubic root
>> 	4th root
>> 	5th root, etc
>The cube root of x is equal to x raised to the
>power of 1/3 (in maxima notation (x^(1/3)).
>Similarly, the 4th root of x is (x^(1/4)) the 5th root (x^(1/5)),
>and so on.
Dear Robert-

	Thank you. Pretty obvious...
	Is this documented in Help? As I've said, I couldn't find it?
