desperately trying to build Maxima

On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 12:54, wrote:
> > The cvs version of Maxima will compile, install and run cleanly with
> > Clisp 2.28 or CMUCL 18d. Many people, myself included, have had
> > difficulties getting a stable build of GCL. There is no reason to prefer
> > GCL over the other two supported lisps.
> For Windows users, there seems to be a reason to prefer gcl over cmucl : on the 
> page
> it is said that "There is no win32 port of CMUCL, and making this port would 
> involve a considerable amount of work."

Yes. Helmut said he was working on Linux, so I gave a Linux-specific
answer. I should have made that clearer.

Clisp works on Windows.
