On 07 May 2002 11:09:12 -0500
James Amundson <amundson@fnal.gov> wrote:
> The cvs version of Maxima will compile, install and run cleanly with
> Clisp 2.28 or CMUCL 18d.
I also would like to have cvs-maxima running cleanly on my linux box. It was indeed compiled without problem
with clisp-2.28. However, I cannot say it is running cleanly. Some problems I found are
1) online help does not work, e.g.,
Maxima 5.9.0pre-cvs (with enhancements by W. Schelter).
Licensed under the GNU Public License (see file COPYING)
(C1) describe(matrix);
0: AUGCOEFMATRIX :(maxima.info)Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
1: COEFMATRIX :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
2: COPYMATRIX :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
3: DIAGMATRIX :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
4: EMATRIX :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
5: ENTERMATRIX :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
6: GENMATRIX :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
7: MATRIX :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
8: MATRIX_ELEMENT_ADD :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra. 9: MATRIX_ELEMENT_MULT :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra. 10: MATRIX_ELEMENT_TRANSPOSE :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
11: MATRIXMAP :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
12: MATRIXP :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
13: SCALARMATRIXP :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
14: SUBMATRIX :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
15: ZEROMATRIX :Definitions for Matrices and Linear Algebra.
Enter n, all, none, or multiple choices eg 1 3 : 7;
Info from file /usr/local/info/maxima.info:
*** - SBIT: index 1060 for #*0000000000001000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 is out of range
1. Break [1]> :q
2) plotting does not work. This could be corrected by adding libexec/maxima* to the $PATH
3) emacs interface does not work well. I corrected this by edit maxima.el
4) I was not able to load packages from share dir. It is strange but command
append(file_search_maxima,["path/###.mac"]) does not help.
>Many people, myself included, have had
> difficulties getting a stable build of GCL. There is no reason to prefer
> GCL over the other two supported lisps.
I did not try cmucl. People said it is fast. I can compare only gcl and clisp.
On some tensor manipulations (with itensor) gcl is factor 5 or more faster than clisp.