desperately trying to build Maxima

James Amundson <> wrote:

> > I also would like to have cvs-maxima running cleanly on my linux box. It wa
> s indeed compiled without problem
> >  with clisp-2.28. However, I cannot say it is running cleanly. 
> Right. There are known bugs in cvs. That's why we haven't released 5.9.0
> yet.

     Going off on a tangent, do the copying conditions of COPYING1 still
apply (I assume so)?  I've got cvs-maxima running on a palm-sized PDA,
and it would be nice if the binaries could be made available.  However,
COPYING1 seems to impose redistribution conditions that I'm not
currently willing to manage (and might also conflict with the GPL, but
I'm not sure).

[ I'm also not sure how maxima can be made publicly available with the
  restrictions of COPYING1, but IANAL.  ]

	Darryl Okahata

DISCLAIMER: this message is the author's personal opinion and does not
constitute the support, opinion, or policy of Agilent Technologies, or
of the little green men that have been following him all day.