1. A new version of dimension.mac and new html documentation may found at
The new version adds support for subscripted variables and it
should now work correctly when compiled. (The makelist function
doesn't translate or compile correctly; this is a known bug.)
I thank CY for testing the new version under Maxima 5.9.
2. Utilities for mactex may be found at
The utility code allows for LaTeX style fractions and matrices and
directional limits. Additionally, it has an improved version of
my texput function:
;; texput is a maxima-level interface to putprop that allows a user
;; to modify the behavior of maxima's tex function. Here are a few examples:
;; (C1) texput(me,"\\mu_e");
;; (D1) \mu_e
;; (C2) tex(me);
;; $$\mu_e$$
;; (C4) texput("<<",[" \\langle ", " \\rangle "],matchfix);
;; (D4) \langle ( \rangle)
;; (C5) matchfix("<<",">>");
;; (D5) "<<"
;; (C6) tex(<<a>>);
;; $$ \langle a \rangle $$
;; (D6) FALSE
;; (C7) tex(<<a,b>>);
;; $$ \langle a , b \rangle $$
;; To change the argument separator from a comma to a character ch,
;; make the third element of the second argument of texput that character. For
;; example, to make Dirac brackets, use
;; (C12) texput("<<",[" \\langle ", " \\rangle "," \\, | \\,"],matchfix);
;; (D12) \langle ( \rangle , \, | \,)
;; (C13) tex(<<a>>);
;; $$ \langle a \rangle $$
;; (D13) FALSE
;; (C14) tex(<<a,b>>);
;; $$ \langle a \, | \,b \rangle $$
;; (C15) texput(grad," \\nabla ",prefix);
;; (D15) 70
;; (C16) prefix("grad");
;; (D16) "GRAD"
;; (C17) tex(grad f);
;; $$ \nabla f$$
;; (C19) texput("~"," \\times ",infix);
;; (D19) 180
;; (C20) tex(a~b);
;; $$a \times b$$
;; (C22) postfix(@);
;; (D22) "@"
;; (C23) texput("@","!!",postfix);
;; (D23) 160
;; (C24) tex(x @);
;; $$x!!$$
3. Until now, I never had a reason to redefine matrix element addition.
Now, I do:
/* Find minimal path lengths. */
"@+"([a]) := apply(min,a);
matrix_element_add : "@+";
"&"(a,b) := if (a = inf or b = inf) then inf else a + b;
m : matrix([0,4,1,inf],[inf,0,inf,1],[2,1,0,6],[inf,5,2,0]);